
Friday, January 1, 2021

The Year Of No Resolutions

*takes a sip of a New Years brew and a bite of blueberry muffin*

Happy New Years Coffee Card Loving Fanatics!

Today marks the day I usually make a list of resolutions in the hobby and do my best to stick to them. Sort of similar to the non hobby resolutions except I actually accomplish some of my hobby ones. I am still on Year 10 in a row of the same weight.

After experiencing 2020, I decided this year I won't be making a Hobby Resolutions List. Last years list went down the drain and looking at the way the hobby is continuing to head, making a list could lead to more disappointment and I think I had more than enough of that last year.

So I decided I would just go with the flow and see where the hobby takes me. No lists of sorting, no lists of chasing certain cards or making a list of sets I want to complete. I will just sit back and try to accomplish what I can however I can whenever I can.

I wish all of those who are making Hobby Resolutions lists the best in their journeys. 

*takes another sip*

I am wishing you all the best in the hobby, health and life in 2021.


  1. I'm not making any resolutions this year, either. Probably a popular trend since last year was such a rotten hellscape. I do have a couple hobby goals, but I might keep those strictly in my mind for a while.

    Here's to a less crappy 2021!

  2. Happy New Year. Totally understand on the resolutions. Hard to see where we are heading this year, but hopefully less crappy like you said.

  3. I used to enjoy writing hobby resolutions and seeing whether or not I stuck to them at the end of the year... but I haven't made any for a few years. Thankfully it hasn't hurt my love for the hobby. Happy New Year Matt!

    1. Sometimes not making plans is the best hobby Resolution

  4. No unachieved goals = no unnecessary disappointments lol. Happy New Year!

    1. Haha! And for this year I dont want any more disappointments lol

  5. Flying by the seat of your pants can be a fun way to collect too!


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!