
Monday, February 28, 2022

The Lights Go Out, But The Stars Shine

*comes from outside after attempting to start wife's car so she can get to work. don't buy southern cars and try to make them cold northern cars. finally gets coffee ready, laptop is fired up and cards are nearby. time for some #CardsOverCoffee*

As a blogger, there are times you got to make some tweaks along the way with the way you approach your blog. In my 10 years of blogging, I have done plenty of that.

With the start of some new segments on their way here, I need to find a way to cut time on doing posts while also giving you guys a better look at the cards. I feel the lightbox has been great for the shiny cards, but not so great with everything else. The fact I also added in the Cards Over Coffee sign, it has made some pictures seem even more busy and sometimes taking away the actual card.

Looking at this situation, I decided to pull back on using the lightbox and feature the stars of the posts, the cards. Or in today's post, actual cards of stars.

*takes a sip before moving onto today's cards*

In my last trade with @90sNicheFBCard, I acquired some new pieces for my non sport PC of some stars from Hollywood.

One of my favorite relic lines for celebrity relics came from Upper Deck in A Piece Of Hollywood. They had a bunch of big names and big movies featured in this series. You could find these relics one-per-box in 2008 and 2009 Upper Deck Pieces Of History. That product was similar to Allen and Ginter where it mixes baseball, history and pop culture.

I was fortunate to open a box of the 2009 edition back then. I can't remember which celebrity card I pulled at that time, but it was a really good one. I may have to dig through my PC and find it. In the meantime, you can check out my newest ones,
Three Kings featuring a pants relic of George Clooney.

Courage Under Fire jacket swatch of Denzel

Shirt relic of Jamie Foxx from the movie Ray

Jacket Swatch of Demi Moore from GI Jane

Bruce Almighty, funny movie, shirt swatch of Jim Carrey

And a cool swatch of Sweater from the movie, The Hurricane featuring Denzel.

Thanks again to Bryan for trading these to me.

*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*

I am pretty happy with the way today's photos turned out, but some show some shadowing from the lighting. It will be a work in progress, but I will get there.

Thoughts on today's cards are welcomed in comments or thoughts on your favorite movie from the relics above. Or which actor you think would be fun to have a cup of coffee with.

Have a great Monday. Remember, only YOU can make your Monday great......and a cup of coffee to.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. I am a sucker for these types of cards and own a few pieces from Will Smith and Marky Mark Wahlberg! That Hurricane piece is sweet. I actually met the real Hurricane Carter back in the day and he was an incredible guy who sat and talked with myself, my brother and my Dad for quite a while.

    1. I don't own either of those guys! May have to look into those

  2. I've discovered that there's not a single place in my house at any angle that I can take a picture of a card without a shadow or reflection. It's annoyingly amazing.

    1. If I time it right when we actually get sun, I found my bedroom is the best spot but without any sun, no spot is

  3. Very cool! Where does it say that the shirt / jacket / etc was worn by Denzel / Jim Carrey / etc, on the back?

    1. It says it on the back, but it has a weird description. It uses the actors first name only. So for example, this piece was worn by Demi. That's it.

  4. Can't say I'm the biggest fan of any of these movies... but Denzel is my favorite actor from the bunch. I remember some relatives having a discussion on cars in cold regions. They're either my aunt's family in Minnesota's or my cousin's family in Massachusetts. Anyways... they warned me to not buy used cars from these regions because they use salt on roads which cause the cars to rust more. Not sure if that's how things are these days. Just something that I remembered from a conversation many years ago.

    1. Here's the funny part about that, yes, they salt the roads in the winter for ice and now they have a rule, at least where I am, if your car has a certain amount of rust which isn't much, it's called undrivable. So it won't pass inspection and you will need a new card. So they put the salt down to rust your vehicle, charge you to inspect your vehicle and make you buy a new one when it rusts out.......


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!