
Wednesday, March 23, 2022

The Coffee Card Hall Of Fame

*coffee is hot and ready and I am ready for a new #CardsOverCoffee*

Hall Of Fame. It's where the best of the best go.

In my recent email to blog reader Oren I made reference towards the Kurt Warner autograph he sent me for my birthday was going into my Card Hall Of Fame. Do I actually have one? No. I just used the phrase as it is one of my better cards and that I will have to place it in a careful spot.

I told Oren in my return email that I didn't have one, but he hinted at this could be a good idea to post about. Upon using my brain and a few cups of coffee, I have come up with a fun concept for this.

So here's the deal and here is what I need from you guys, the readers.

I am creating a box where I will be storing my Coffee Card Hall Of Fame collection. I don't have the box or the layout of it complete just yet, but when I do, I will post it. In this box, every year from here on out until I can't brew anymore coffee, I will be placing FIVE cards a year voted on by you to go into the Coffee Card Hall Of Fame. However, I will need some card nominees all year for you to vote on. This is where you guys come into play again. Every post on CARDS OVER COFFEE after today until the December 1st end date, you can nominate a card or cards from any post-including box breaks-in comments of that post you think should be in the Hall for the 2022 year. These will be the nominees.

Those cards will be POSTED HERE all year long. Remember, this is a Hall Of Fame nomination. Not every card has to be a patch, autograph or low numbered, but Hall worthy. I will close nominations on December 1st and will let you guys begin the voting process (how I will do this will be determined later on) on which five cards you would choose to make it into the Hall. The cards with the most votes, get in.

Because I had already referenced this card as Hall worthy,
This Kurt Warner autograph will be the first nomination and will appear on that link I showed above.

I hope this sounds like a lot of fun for you guys as I think it will be.

Thanks again to Oren for jumpstarting this idea.

*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*

I am curious on your guys thoughts about this in comments today.

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday. Fill your mugs up with joy today.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. This is a fun idea! It's nice to let us, the fans, have a big say in the results.

  2. Love it. Can't wait to see this collection grow. I have a damaged card hall of fame, but I don't update it nearly enough.

  3. Interesting idea! Question, are HOF cards ones you will actually keep? I only ask because you specifically mentioned box breaks, and I think you give them away / open to trading them from time to time.

    1. Yes I do. I guess we can consider the bigger hits to stay or I will make note of the ones that may be given away in that post

  4. These would probably look better in a binder. And I saw just the other day that they make binder pages for toploadered cards, so if you're worried about putting "good" cards in pages, Ultra Pro's got you covered. Just a thought.


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!