
Friday, February 24, 2023

Who Is Right?

Going to need a strong cup for today's post and luckily, I have one next to me.

If you were to see my eBay saved search list, you would see exactly what you would expect from me. 90's inserts, Rodney Hampton, Charles Way, non-sports, some oddballs and Eli Manning.

I check these searches multiple times a day and have caught some good deals in that process.

But, none better than this one I thought I had landed back in September of 2022. 

At first glance, it appeared as a base Any Given Sunday insert of Eli Manning from 2022 Prestige. It was a card I needed and at the time the price was right.

As I clicked on the picture of the listing, I like to blow it up to see if there is any damage before I purchase, I started to notice something off to the side.

It was a 1/1 version of the card! Wowzers! My first Eli Manning 1/1 card and I landed it for under $10! To say the least, I felt like a kid being set free down the toy aisle at Walmart.

I couldn't even sleep that night. It was like I had caffeine in my coffee again. Boy, do I miss those days.

When I woke up still in disbelief of my purchase the next morning, I went to look at it again and that's when I saw this.

REFUNDED??!?!?! What?! Why?!! I didn't request this.

So, I messaged the seller.

Here was his response,

Keep in mind I use my wife's account for eBay which is why it is addressed to her.

Either way, I don't agree with his response, and I never replied because I may not have been friendly. So instead, I will post about them on here. I worked in retail for seven years and we were always told the customer was always right even when we marked something wrong. So, if they made an honest mistake, they should have stuck with it, learned from it, shipped it, and not refunded.

This is just my opinion on this. You guys may have different feelings about this, especially those of you who actually sell. I know if I made this mistake and sold cards on eBay, I would have shipped it. I have lost out on trades before when I made a mistake. But, I have learned from it.

Let me know in comments who is right. Is the buyer right in this situation? Is the seller right? What would you have done on either side of this situation?

Now I am all worked up again. I may need a second cup after this post and maybe a third when I read your replies.

Hope you are enjoying your day...I was until this post brought back this memory.

Coffee Card Blogger Out.


  1. Morally you are right. The reality is, that e-b-a-y allows shady sellers to apply their dark arts to any deal, at any time, in the event that they are not able to collect a soul in the process. Sorry to have to tell ya, but it is seller 1, and you, my coffee lovin' bruh, scored 0.

  2. I've been there myself, several times. You are in the right. If I was a seller I would just suck it up, my mistake, buyer wins. What this seller will find out is that after he gets it graded it'll probably sit there for years. Who wants to pay the slabbing fee attached? Ahhhh, these new "collectors".

    1. I know. Must be a new age one. I haven't seen it listed again either, yet. Probably in a pile at PSA somewhere

  3. I think your in the right here. I had this happen to me and I cut and pasted what he sent me into the review and gave him a negative review.

  4. I find it curious this "newbie" was knowledgeable enough to admit they were going to send the card off for grading before they relisted it.

  5. You can leave negative feedback after a seller cancels on you. This absolutely warranted it, since they outright admitted that they didn't send it to you because they didn't feel like they got enough money. That's actually against ebay rules and you could have taken that to ebay and they would have been removed from the site... probably.

    1. Dang, wished I had known. Should have taken it to ebay and made them send me that card

  6. Bummer. The seller dropped the ball in this situation and you totally have the right to leave "negative" feedback. I know I would be upset and annoyed too.

    Not siding with the dealer here, but at least he was honest and upfront about the situation. I feel like I've been given the "sorry... can't find the card" line at least a couple of times in the past.

    1. I know and we all make mistakes. Just wished he had owned up to it and still send the card

  7. WOW! I've had this happen to me as well. The only difference is that I never got any explanation at all. Simply canceled. None of my buyers have been treated this way. We keep the coffee on and keep going.

    1. That's good, if we spill the coffee it's best we clean it up and make another cup.

  8. That's happened to me too, seller canceled with no explanation at all. I didn't know we could still leave negative feedback if that happened.

    1. I didn't leave any feedback, I should have left some negative. Was afraid they would have done the same


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!