
Thursday, May 11, 2023

More Coffee On Cards

*laptop is on an actual lap, waits for wife to be done at dentists for a very long, lengthy and expensive appointment. takes a sip from dunkin cup, and figures it's time for a new Cards Over Coffee post*

I normally don't carry my laptop around unless I know I am going to be somewhere for a long amount of time. Today, is that day. While my wife is getting some dental work done, I am sitting in the car waiting for her and figured I might as well get a post done.

I didn't however have any cards in my drafts, but I had two cards on my laptop I hadn't uploaded or shown off other than on the main face of the blog so figured I might as well do those ones since I have extra time to do so today.

I have had these cards for a few months now, so they are nothing new other than a new post.

*takes a sip*

There are not a lot of cards out there that feature coffee on them, other than former 49ers running back Glen Coffee who played in the league for one year before retiring and served in the U.S. Army instead. I had considered at one point adding a few of his cards for fun, maybe some time.

*takes another sip and wonders about a Glen Coffee pc*

I believe for the most part though, I have the three or four cards that feature this blogs premier drink

I got this 1991 Star Pics Twin Peaks Coffee mug card from a friend on Twitter who is a big time Twin Peaks fan and collector. I knew about this card and was seeking one and he happened to have an extra for me. I wonder if this is the first coffee card.

And then I was able to add this Topps And Ginter International Coffee Day card thanks to my buddy Shane. You will see this card again in October so be prepared for that.

That's it for my latest coffee card, cards on coffee, cards over coffee whatever you want to call these cards with coffee on them adds.

Thoughts on these cards welcomed in comments. Also, let me know if you collect any funky-fun cards like these of anything in particular while you are at it.

Hope everyone has a great Thursday, especially my wife and wallet.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. I don't currently collect anything like that. I'm not sure what it would be. Cards over coffee is a winner!

  2. I've got a whole binder dedicated to weird and funky cards... most of which I've discovered on fellow card blogs.
    P.S. I remember Glen Coffee, but had no idea he retired and went on to serve in the Army. Pretty cool.

    1. Card blogs have shown me a list I could easily make of cards I want

  3. That Twin Peaks card cracks me up. I like how the coffee is one of the stars on the show. The odd ball cards I have are some Topps Allen & Ginter inserts on the hottest peppers in the world, and a bunch of oddball card sets from a company called Mother Productions. Their stuff can go from gravestones of movie stars to wreckage of WWII bombers, where the painted Vargas girls are still visible on the side of the planes.

    1. Love the Allen Ginter inserts. I try to chase all of the oddball non sport ones


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!