
Tuesday, May 2, 2023

They Wanted A Peek

*sits down, takes a sip and gets ready for a new post on Cards Over Coffee*

I thought before I dug into today's post, that I would show off this really cool coffee mug my wife got for her birthday in March. Yes, I am a bit behind on showing it off.

When someone says they can drink a pot of coffee, this must be what they are talking about. Or what it must look like to some. Such a cool mug and I know you will agree with me in comments.

Now onto today's post.

*considers using his wife's mug, but decides to continue on with what he is drinking. maybe another day*

*takes a sip*

I am not sure what is going on with the USPS recently, but they lost a card someone sent me, my mail volume has been down, all of the packages I have been waiting for have taken forever to arrive, there was a pwe covered in a strong women's perfume (why couldn't it have been coffee?) and now I got an envelope that the machine caught on and someone snuck a sneak peek at what I got.

This card was a RAK from my long time Twitter friend, JGfan24ever. As you can see, the machine must have caught it, but you can also tell it looks like someone tried to rip it more open.

Fortunately, he had taped the card to the inside of the envelope because who knows what may have happened to it.

And here is the card. It's nothing expensive or valuable but is a new piece for my Christmas PC. I can only imagine if this was something more than a base card short print someone may have snagged it from the envelope. It was opened enough to do so.

Hopefully whatever is going on at USPS, they fix the problem soon.

I did want to take a second out to say thanks to Michael for the RAK.

*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*

I want to know in comments if any of you have dealt with any issues with USPS recently? Or maybe its just me. Have you ever had a card stolen or lost? Let me know.

Hope you have a terrific Tuesday and enjoy that cup of coffee!

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. I like the coffee mug. I've never seen one like that before. Good thing your card survived the mail. I haven't had any mail lost lately, but I do know there has been some slow shipments.

    1. I have yet to try the mug, I am afraid my clumsiness will break it

  2. I've been complaining about the mail here for quite some time. I even signed up for the USPS Informed Delivery to see what should arriving each day and on many days they don't get that correct.

    1. I keep seeing more and more daily compaints about the mail especially informed delivery

  3. I'm sure I've had a card lost or stolen... but can't think of any examples off the top of my head.

    P.S. Cool mug.

    1. I just had another card sent back to the guy I traded with.....sigh

  4. How did that saying go now? Don't throw week old biscuits if you drink out of glass coffee mugs. Yeah, I think that's it. Hey, I almost missed how Shogo's batting helmet got altered for the holidays. Santa approved this card.

  5. I’ve been pretty lucky so far with USPS, but my son is my post office supervisor so anything with my last name on it gets treated a little different. Even with wrong address but my name finds it’s way to me.

    1. That's good. USPS is never fun to deal with


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!