
Friday, October 13, 2023

Friday The 13th

*pours out a cup of coffee, checks behind him for anything scary creeping up behind, then slowly turns back towards computer screen knowing if it's not behind you, it's always in front of you*

*nothing there, takes a sip*

I know most kids grew up watching Saturday Morning cartoons and Sesame Street, I did some to, but what I really grew up watching as I have mentioned on here before were horror movies. When your mom loved horror and took over the one TV you had, what other options did you have on a rainy day?

Watching pretty much every movie the horror section offered at our local video store at least twice, horror movies grew on me. Especially the slasher films with the lead killers. Guys like Chucky, Freddy and Michael Myers were some of my favorites to watch.

Then of course came my top, Jason Vorhees. The hockey mask wielding killer from the Friday The 13th series.

I must have seen every one of those movies at least ten times each with my favorites in the series even more.

The grotesque appeal of his unmasked face for some reason was my biggest draw and always wondering what it will look like movie to movie.

When it comes to the hobby, I was trying to find some Friday The 13th cards just to have for nostalgia, but from my research, no such things exist.

The only horror cards I could find were the 1988 Topps Fright Flicks. Which didn't include Jason on their checklist, however, there are others on the checklist I want someday. I don't own a single card from the set.

So instead, I had to settle for some playing cards that featured Jason from a variety of the movies.

Friday The 13th Part 6 which is my favorite movie from the series where Jason who had been dead for two years, gets revived.

I can see why they left this as the Joker card, by far the worst film in the series.

This one was an interesting one, but not something I cared to see more than once. The movie features two of the horror icons with Jason and Freddy but was a little corny at times. The film was the 11th in the series.

Part 5, A New Beginning had a twist to it as the film didn't feature Jason. Or did it? I won't spill all of the beans.

And that's all I have for these. But, it's something for nostalgic sakes.

*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*

I don't watch horror movies today anymore, mainly because my wife not a fan. I may occasionally turn one on when she isn't home, but I don't sit there and watch it all. 

As for the Friday The 13th remakes in case you were wondering, I hate remakes so those never interested me.

Hope everyone has a safe Friday, stay away from the woods and especially any Crystal Lakes (I don't live to far from one).

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*

1 comment:

  1. I saw that movie in theaters when it first came out. I'm not really a big horror fan. I am a fan of Friday the 13th as I have had my best birthdays on that day. Turning 61 today! "Sips on a Pumpkin Spice coffee". Sorry to copy something you would say.


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!