
Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Worth The Wait Part 2

Coffee is ready, dentist appointment is done-no cavities- and I have some cards to show off finally.

Without further ado, let's do some Cards Over Coffee.

I hope this post was Worth The Wait for you guys, I know I have been biting my time to show this one off.

But, here we go. 

This is a follow up part to the first half of my mail day from @90sNicheFBCard. There is actually a third part to, but you will have to read and check out Big Blue Cardboard to see that part when it's posted.

Today, it is strictly baseball heavy and I know there are plenty of baseball card readers out there.

Let's kick it off with this beautiful Double Relic autograph of Dave Winfield.

I am probably one of the few collectors out there who actually likes the manufactured relics more than a plain colored jersey card.

I always liked Robinson Cano, this is my first autograph of him.

Nick Nelson is a Philly now, sounds like it's a good thing looking at his stats. Yankees traded him off to make room for prospects on their 40-man roster.

Gleyber Torres autograph! This will replace the one I traded off. I regret doing that, and even though this one is not in Yankee uniform, it's a rookie one so that's cooler.

And the final card in this post, not final card overall as there will be some cool cards posted on Big Blue Cardboard and there were also many others I didn't post here, was a BIG SURPRISE and wasn't a part of our trade.

It was shocking. It was beautiful. It was like that instant first sip of coffee in that morning that takes you to heaven.
It was my first Juan Soto autograph!!!!

Yes, I am as blown away as you are. Try not to spill your coffee.

I think Bryan sent it because he felt bad I waited so long for the mail day even though I was fine with it. But, I believe he sent it because he is a good friend with a big heart.

Thanks so much again Bryan!

*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*

This mail day was so worth the wait. There was so much fun in the box and a lot of cards I didn't either remember or recognize as a part of our trade. And of course, finishing out the package with the surprise Soto autograph is never a bad way to end.

I think we are on our way for our newest trade, and I bet this one will also be worth the wait when it's completed.

I hope everyone has a great Tuesday.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. That's quite the haul. Cano and Soto autos. Imagine having both them in your starting lineup. Cool stuff!

  2. That is some great stuff! I especially like the Winfield as he is a Minnesota athlete. Glad to hear the Dentist results were in your favor. Coffee up?

  3. That's a great haul of cards. I also like a few of those manufactured relics inserts. Which reminds me I need pickup that Torres for my helmet insert set build.


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!