
Wednesday, February 28, 2024

The Girl Scout Cookies Post

It's a little late for a post but thought I would put a short one out there anyways.

I don't have coffee and I don't have cards, but I do have some cookies.

Some delicious Girl Scout Cookies.

*takes a bite*

There are usually only a few things I really look forward to and buy every year that are not hobby related. One of those things arrives in February and they are Girl Scout Cookies.

Sometimes they will be ordered online and other times if my wife has a friend whose daughter is selling them, we will pick up a few boxes that way. Either way, I can't live without my Samoas.

The crisp cookies with caramel, coconut and dark chocolate stripes hits the sweet spot every year. They are also even better with coffee.

When I set the cookie on the back of the box the girls appear to have the same reaction I do when I open up the package.

Samoas may be my favorite Girl Scout cookie, but I usually grab a couple others as well. I also enjoy Adventurefuls and Girl Scout S'Mores while my wife likes Tagalongs and Thin Mints. I used to like Tagalongs and Thin Mints to but noticed my tastes have changed just like with other food over time.

I usually try to make mine last for a while by only snacking on a couple when the mood hits and it also saves on the weight gain. The cool thing about Girl Scout Cookies is that you can always freeze them if they get close to date which extends their shelf life.

*takes another bite before finishing up today's post*

In comments today, tell me which Girl Scout Cookies you enjoy and don't tell me there isn't at least one flavor that you don't indulge on.

*Coffee Card and Girl Scout cookie enjoyer Out*


  1. Reason I didn't join the girl scouts cause I ate a brownie

  2. My GS Cookies tastes have changed over the years with some of the flavors/styles but the constants for me have always been Thin Mints and The Samoas. Even the Thin Mints have changed over the years. Modern Thin Mints are not quite the same as I remember them as a kid except I think they are more accurately "thin" than they were 30 to 40 years or more ago. I picked up 2 boxes of each this past weekend. Some girl scouts have been selling them outside of my local Safeway every weekend starting around Super Bowl Weekend. It was only a matter of time.

    1. Yes, I have noticed that with the tastes as well. The other thing is the package size has sure gone down lol

  3. My school banned the sales of Girl Scout cookies last year. Not sure if that was my principal's call... or someone higher up... but it sucks. Last year... I made a few black market purchases from students, but this year they did an announcement to remind us... so I feel like I'm sending the wrong message by blatantly breaking the rules. Luckily... my friend's daughter is a scout, so I grabbed two boxes. One was a Tagalongs and the other was Trefoils. I also like the Do-si-dos, but passed on those this year.

    1. Thats odd. I don't get why they couldn't allow sales of cookies. Its not like they are offensive


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!