
Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Coffee With Craig T. Nelson

Good morning!!

Well, it could be better. I ran out of coffee this morning and will need to make a run at some soon, but first, thought I would drop a quick post.

I am not sure if this will be my last post for a little while, but it could be. So, I am making sure that I end on a good note before a small break takes place.

However, I do have NEW Rodney's Cardboard posts going up on Sport Card Collectors blog I already had prepped, so go check those out every Sunday. There could be few other posts on there as well coming up.

But, for today, let's see what I have to show off so I can go to the store and grab some coffee.
Craig T. Nelson autograph!!

This card comes thanks to a RAK from @maevro who saw my interest in the owning it.

In my lifetime, I have watched a lot of Craig T. Nelson on my television screen. Whether that was watching the Poltergeist movies with my mom multiple times each, Coach, Yes Dear, Monk, CSI:NY, Young Sheldon, The Incredibles movies (signed sticker above), both Book Club movies, and The Proposal to name a few of my favorites. But he has shown up many other times as well.

So, owning this autograph is a pretty cool addition since he is a part of my nostalgia which is a big focus in my collection.

Today in comments, let me hear your favorite Nelson role.

Also, a big-big thanks to @maevro for this awesome RAK. Really appreciate it!!!!

Time to make a coffee run. Hope the rest of you have a great day.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. I know who he is but have not really watched any of those shows. Hoping your coffee run is as successful as receiving this certified auto sticker. Have a great coffee day!

  2. Poltergeist 1 and 2 are what I think of first when I hear his name. As for the sticker, it's certainly different. You (or rather I) don't see signed stickers very often.

    1. Yeah I am not sure how the guy got this signed and not a card. Of course not sure if Nelson has a card out

  3. Heard of those shows but haven't seen them, but did enjoy the Incredibles, so by default that would be my favorite role. Cool signed sticker!

  4. Cool addition to your collection. I haven't watched Poltergeist in decades... but I vaguely remember him in it. I guess Coach is the show I mainly associate him with.

    1. Poltergeist 1 with the clown.under the bed scene still gets me to this day!

  5. Loved watching Coach as a kid. It also helped that Jerry Van Dyke is from my hometown of Danville, Illinois.

    1. I forgot about Jerry being in that. Also, that's cool!


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!