
Saturday, July 20, 2024


*celebratory brew has been prepared, creamered and sitting by the laptop. it's time for some cards over coffee*

*takes a sip*

What started off as a goofy idea, turned out to be a full-blown chase.

In 2022, I opened up a decent amount of Score football and pulled a couple of Kenny Golladay parallels. I am not sure what came upon me when I did, but I decided I needed to chase the rainbow.

And not the Skittles one.

I knew this wasn't going to be an easy task with 26 parallels to chase in Score. Twenty...SIX. They put way too many parallels out there now and this is low number compared to some in 2023 and 2024 where it was upwards to 40 and more.

Despite knowing the challenges ahead, I still pushed myself to do it.

And now finally, after two long years of chasing, I finally found the final piece.

Which wasn't even the 1/1. It was this Stars parallel /399. I assumed a ton of these would pop up being numbered that high, but this was the only one in two years I saw.

So, I put it into the magnetic case I put the rest of them into so it can go into the BCW Interlocking card frame I have set up.

It felt so great to finally lock it into place after so long. I had to enjoy a nice cup of joe to go along with this moment.

And here is the big reveal. I should add four more frames to this and maybe snag some of the autographed versions of this card to fill in the other spots or maybe I should just leave it as is.

Let me know your thoughts on what I should fill in the empty spots with in comments.

*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*

There is no better feeling than accomplishing a big hobby project like this one. Rainbow chases are hard and not something I ever suggest trying unless you have a lot of patience.

For me, it was two-years of wondering if I started this project and it wouldn't be able to finish it. I am not sure if I could have handled that. Just glad it worked out in the end, and I didn't have to go down that road.

Thanks for reading and hope you all have a great weekend.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. Congrats. A Rainbow chase is something i've contemplated doing, but I have concerns over if I could handle the possibility of never finishing it.

    1. I have a rodney hampton one right now I am concerned I will never complete as I saw other pieces sell elswhere

  2. Job well done! I'm not sure about the other four spots. Are there any inserts of Golladay in the set? I need a refill. Have a great weekend. I will be working and Coaching.

    1. Good luck with coaching. It's something I hope to do some day!

    2. Thanks. I have been coaching for more than 45 years now. Went to the tournament with my Special Olympics team I coach, and we got drenched by a downpour after the opening ceremonies. There was a lightning strike not far from us and they decided to cancel due to safety and the fact that the fields were not going to dry off any time soon. Things happen but I did get a couple of breakfast burritos and coffee out of the ordeal. Happy Sunday!

  3. Nice job !!! Started many, but I've never completed a rainbow. (abide on TCDb)

  4. Congratulations! If you have four of the signed versions laying around, I'd go with 5 rows of 6. Can you add one more column? If so, you can add two autos to your rainbow with 4 rows of 7.

    1. I would have to look at that. 4 rows of 7 sounds more reasonable. It's hard to find the autos and I don't have any of them yet

  5. Happy completed rainbow! If they're not too expensive, I'd probably do what you said and balance it out with a couple of the autographed versions.

    1. I haven't looked but hopefully knowing that most of these were dirt cheap, they would be to


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!