
Friday, July 5, 2024

Two Weeks Notice

Two weeks ago, my father gave me notice that he picked up a pretty cool piece from a yard sale he knew I would be interested in.

That's when he teased me with this picture. This is a signed movie scene photo from the comedy Two Weeks Notice that starred Hugh Grant and Sandra Bullock. I don't remember the premise of the movie, but think I enjoyed it. It's been 22 years since I watched it so I can't quite recall much about it other than watching it.

Heck, now-a-days I am lucky if I can remember what I did the day before. (not even coffee helps as I take a sip trying to remember what happened yesterday)

What mattered most to me wasn't the film, it was the autographs featured. Both are stars and for me the Bullock part of it was my bigger want. She has starred in a ton of films I have watched over the years.

So, when he showed up, we pulled off a card trade along with a trade for the picture. The card portion was pretty sweet and I will show that off soon.

I was just as happy as could be. I had coffee, cards and an epic autographed picture. The only problem, I didn't like the frame it was in and wanted to put it in a protective toploader instead. Especially since it held some value.

However, taking it out of the frame, that was a mistake.

As I took the frame off, the picture had stuck to the glass of the frame and peeled off a good portion of the photograph and Hugh Grant's autograph. The picture was also "crumbling" like a coffee cake in parts.

UGHHHHHHHH I could have cried. It was like spilling hot coffee on my crotch and I know what that feels like.
Then I tried to put the glass back on and oddly enough the picture didn't center right with the glass. I had to slide it over some just to line it back up all over again. Which would't fit in the frame again in any kind of way.

Being at a loss of words and what to do, I took to social media, Twitter, and asked for advice.

About 90% of my replies were, get it turned into a custom card. So, I connected with a buddy of mine on Twitter who was more than happy to do it for me.

I just wasn't sure if I could put myself through cutting it up. My hobby OCD would eat me alive probably.

But I did anyways. There was no other chance for this photo to be saved otherwise.

So, I mailed immediately the next day.
A few days later, the custom card guy contacted me and sent this pic. The picture continued to crumble in the mail and was at a complete loss.

I was at a complete loss.

This picture was the center point of our trade, hard to make up a loss like this from it even though there were some fun cards.

*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*

I had considered taking the crumbs from the picture and having him make a card with the pieces, but I didn't bother. I just had him toss it.

If only I have had a two weeks notice that this would have happened if I opened the frame. I would have just left it.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. The important part is that you had happiness in the present. What happens next is not always as we had planned. Thanks for the excellent reminder. I needed it. I also need a refill! Happy Friday and weekend.

    1. Yes, I will always have this post to look back on for it

  2. That's an odd yard-sale find. Although I suppose now we know why it was in the yard sale.

    1. My dad said a guys wife had passed away and she used to collect autographs. He didnt want to keep them so he unloaded them

  3. Bummer. I have actually had this happen to me before. Can't remember what the autographed photo was though. Guess my brain blocked out that memory. Never had hot coffee spill in my lap though. (knock on wood).

    1. I wished I had kept it in the frame, though it may have done that at some point still

  4. I winced as soon as I saw the lack of matting in the teaser photo. Glossy photos are never supposed to sit right up against glass. These people obviously didn't keep it in a humidity-free area either. Some people shouldn't be allowed to own nice things.

    1. No and the lady who owned it was an autograph collector. Her whole collection must be wasted

  5. Bummer, I was rooting for a sweet salvage


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!