
Rodney Hampton Needs 

I have finally updated my Rodney Checklist and have uploaded it to Google Docs. Wanna help me land them all? Or wanna trade me some? Wanna donate some? Just click on the Rodney Hampton above and it will take you to my Google Docs to see if I need it. Thanks!!!

AS OF 4/20/20 there are 713 different Rodney Hampton Cards in my Super PC.

I am also in the need of all of his starting lineups, a jersey, football autographs, a game used cleat on eBay that is signed, or any 8x10 autographs to round out my Super PC.


  1. So there is another Rodney Hampton super collector.......This I learned today!


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!