Saturday, May 4, 2024

May The 4th Cup Of Coffee Be With You

*turns on Star Wars theme music*

*takes a sip*

*starts to type*

Happy Star Wars Day fellow readers! I hope you have your coffee in hand and ready to fight the dark side. Or maybe drink it.

Today I am showing off a card I have been waiting to show off on Star Wars day.
Last year, I was finally able to acquire my number one most wanted Star Wars card in the 1977 Topps Star Wars #1 Luke Skywalker. Or in other card terms, his rookie card.

I don't care about the grade at all, I am not a grading card collector, but it's the fact that I own this card finally that does. If you didn't know this is the most valuable card from that Star Wars set so it has taken me awhile to acquire it. But, I am always paying attention to people listing cards on Twitter because sometimes they are willing to trade, which is where I got lucky with this one.

Thanks again to @JohnnyOeleven for the trade.

*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*

What are your plans for Star Wars day? What's your favorite Star Wars card. Comment below and I can't wait to read your responses.

Have a great Saturday!

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*

Before I close, I also wanted to remind you of the Coffee Card Hall Of Fame voting and that it needs you guys to nominate cards in. So far ONLY 4 cards have been nominated!!

Details on the Coffee Card Hall Of Fame can be found HERE. I may add this to every post from here on out for a reminder as I will forget about this too! Haha!

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Counting It Down

Coffee is hot, cards are even hotter. 

I have a mail day from blog reader Oren to show off from our latest trade, so, let's do some Cards Over Coffee so I can show it off.

*takes a sip*

We all like countdowns. 

Whether that's a countdown to launch for a spaceship, a countdown til you retire (I bet most people now-a-days don't count this down because nobody can afford to retire), a Top 20 music countdown, maybe a countdown to some big life event such as a wedding or family vacation, or maybe everyone's favorite, a sport card mail day countdown.

Today, I am doing a countdown of my favorite cards in my trade with Oren.


Wild Card created Chrome before Chrome was Chrome. Imagine if these had refractor parallels?!!?

Brian Griese Finest Rookie. Griese was one of those sought after rookies in the 1998 class along with Ryan Leaf and of course Peyton Manning.

Topps Chrome inserts whether they are refractors or not, just look good.


7 and 8 are set needs. This set had different levels to chase. There was the green base level, the next level was blue and the top was red. I think the reds were a little tougher to chase. Each pack also only came with only one red or one blue.

Flair Wave Of The Future design got better by the years. This is probably the weakest design, but I love the blue on it.

Dufex. That's all.

I rank Plax up there as one of my all-time favorite Giants despite not having a long tenure with them. He is teh one that helped create Eli's career and in his early years with the Giants was pretty much unstoppable. Go ahead and YouTube him.

I think a lot of Giants fans forgot what Daniel Jones was like his first year with the Giants. He led a huge comeback in his very first start and made some incredible throws his rookie year. Yes, the mistakes especially the fumbles were there but look at what Coach Daboll did his first year with him. I am still hoping he has a future with the Giants, though I have a feeling his time will end soon.


Are these really 2 and 1. More like 1A and 1B. I gave the slight edge to Dorsey because he was a Giant and I think the design is slightly better. But, Topps Chrome refractors in the 90's will always trump all. These cards are just stunning and make me want to set chase them both.

Well there you have it. My countdown.

Let me know if you would have made an changes to this.

In the meantime, thanks again to Oren for yet another awesome trade and you guys enjoy your coffee and cards.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

It's Gonna Be (Empt)May

It's May.

After a month of April Showers, now is the time for some May flowers. I can't wait to see my flower gardens come back to life soon.

It's also a new month to have a fresh start. Whether that be in your life or your card collection. Or your flavor of coffee.

*takes a sip*

For me, this is my fresh start. For over a year I have had some form of cards sitting in this box and another which are known as the sorting boxes. These were all cards that came in for me that I just add to the boxes until I have time to put them away.

The cards are separated into piles, rows, then get indexed off by what they are before being really broken down and put away into binders and other boxes.

The last two sorts I did were rookie card sorts. Which are done by team for each sport.

Then they get put into binders by team. For the most part, teams are split in the binders unless I have a lot of a specific team.

The time-consuming part is digging out the binders and taking care of them.

But now that it's all done, my boxes are empty. That is both a relief, but also sad. With not many cards incoming anymore, I won't have much to do that's collection related. Unless I create new projects. Which would make for another fresh start for some part of my collection.

Let me know what fresh start you might be chasing in May.

I will read the replies while finishing this cup of coffee, so don't take all day, I don't like cold coffee.

Have a great first day of May.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*

Tuesday, April 30, 2024


I can't believe that another month has almost gone by in 2024. I would say April was by far the fastest month yet. If I look out my window and see snow all over again because it's Christmas already, I may cry.

Even though I love Christmas, I just need some green grass and sunshine first.

To celebrate another month gone by, I thought I would share what possibly is and what might be my biggest mail day of 2024 thus far.

It's time for some cards and some coffee.

*takes a sip*

@ChrisParksIT and I have done multiple trades on Twitter, but none like this one.

Chris noticed that I have been really into collecting Marvel cards, so he inquired if I was interested in any WandaVision cards since he had opened a case of the Upper Deck product.

I have never seen the Disney+ series but know the characters from the Marvel movies I watched. So of course I was interested.

And after a few days of searching, we were able to come to a deal. Chris is very easy to trade with which is great.

He passed along an entire base set, stack of parallels (roughly 100+), a couple of autographs, some film cel relics and a hobby box. Yes, a hobby box. Which I believe is my first hobby box break of 2024 and my first opening of anything since Series 1 released.

This is the base set that I need to binder still.

The Purple and Red parallels fall one-per-pack. They look super cool against the black and white base set pictures. There was almost a complete set of each so I may need to write down what I am missing and finish them.

Wanda's Reality are unique thick acetate insert cards. I think these only fall a couple per case.

This may not look like many Film Cel relics, but it actually is. One of these stacks is actually a complete 6-card set. The others have two or three towards its 6-card set.

Evan Peters autograph. He has played in a variety of TV shows and Movies over his career including Marvel and the Dahmer mini-series.

Fred Melamed played in a variety of TV and Movies, nothing that I have really seen. But when I take the chance to watch this series I will have seen him in something.

Some really cool items added to my Marvel PC thanks to this trade.

But this wasn't everything. I still had that hobby box to open.

Here were the results. A Green parallel /99, a Film Cel (that I didn't have above) and another Wanda's Reality to go with the others. I may have to chase that set as well.

Thanks goes out to Chris for another great trade.

*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*

I think after hauling all of this in, that I need to do an Unfinished Cup to sum up all of my needs or most likely do them separately because it's easier to track that way.

I feel after looking through these cards that I need to watch the series now as well. First, I will have to finish up my last couple of movies to catch up there.

I hope everyone has a great Tuesday and last day of April.

In comments, tell me what the highlight of April was for you or simply tell me what the big plans for May are. Or comments on today's cards of course or if you have watched WandaVision.

*takes a final sip for the post*

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*

Monday, April 29, 2024

Parks And Recreation

It's been over a week since the last post on here, I suppose it's time for some Cards and some Coffee.

I have both next to me, so let's get this party going!

*takes a sip*

I get a lot of TV show suggestions time after time and most of them don't hit home. One of those in particular is The Office. I just can't get into it even though it's loved by all.

However, another show with the same kind of premise, I recently really got into recently.

That show is Parks and Recreation. 

The show ran for 7 seasons from 2009-2015 and takes place in a Parks and Recreation office led by Leslie Knope who is played by Amy Poehler. The cast is really solid and works well together as you watch relationships build and the comedy rolls on with the situations they are placed in. Along with Poehler, the cast consists of Rashida Jones, Aziz Ansari, Nick Offerman, Rob Lowe, Aubrey Plaza and Chris Pratt to name a few. There were also some guest stars as well.

So far, I have only made it halfway through season 2, so no spoilers in comments please! But I have enjoyed every episode all the way from the start.

*takes a sip, thinks about putting on an episode while typing this up but knows the article won't get done if that was the case*

*takes another sip*

After getting into the show, I remembered that back in 2013 Press Pass created a Parks and Recreation card set. I wasn't into the show then when I opened a box and had no idea who or what the show was, but now I do and now I want the cards.

So, a chase happened.

I do have a couple autographs and relics I will show another time, but I wanted to chase the base set and silver parallel set as well.

After weeks of posting on Twitter that I was looking for said sets, I finally had someone replied and we pulled off a trade.

Included in my portion of the trade was an almost complete base set, missing card #6.


And roughly an almost complete silver parallel set. I will have to write those numbers down sometime.



I will have to do an Unfinished Cup at some point on this set.

If any of you have any kicking around and want to check in with what I need, just drop me an email at

Thanks again to @wolf_and_saint for the trade. I hope you enjoyed what I sent as much as I enjoyed what you sent.

*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*

I have also gotten a few other mail days recently as well and will be posting those soon too along with a few other special posts.

Hope everyone has been drinking their coffee during my hiatus on here and saying cheers while waiting for my return.

Have a great Monday.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Coffee With Craig T. Nelson

Good morning!!

Well, it could be better. I ran out of coffee this morning and will need to make a run at some soon, but first, thought I would drop a quick post.

I am not sure if this will be my last post for a little while, but it could be. So, I am making sure that I end on a good note before a small break takes place.

However, I do have NEW Rodney's Cardboard posts going up on Sport Card Collectors blog I already had prepped, so go check those out every Sunday. There could be few other posts on there as well coming up.

But, for today, let's see what I have to show off so I can go to the store and grab some coffee.
Craig T. Nelson autograph!!

This card comes thanks to a RAK from @maevro who saw my interest in the owning it.

In my lifetime, I have watched a lot of Craig T. Nelson on my television screen. Whether that was watching the Poltergeist movies with my mom multiple times each, Coach, Yes Dear, Monk, CSI:NY, Young Sheldon, The Incredibles movies (signed sticker above), both Book Club movies, and The Proposal to name a few of my favorites. But he has shown up many other times as well.

So, owning this autograph is a pretty cool addition since he is a part of my nostalgia which is a big focus in my collection.

Today in comments, let me hear your favorite Nelson role.

Also, a big-big thanks to @maevro for this awesome RAK. Really appreciate it!!!!

Time to make a coffee run. Hope the rest of you have a great day.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Drawing A Blank

I have written today's post multiple times over the last few days. I was trying to find the right approach or theme to the cards featured and just kept coming up empty.

Not my coffee mug, just the theme for the post.

First, I attempted to try a 90's music theme and tie in the years of the cards with some of my favorite songs, then it came to a dead end with it. Then I attempted to do a Back In Time post, got halfway done, then fell flat. Then attempted combining both ideas, nothing. Then tried to tie in #90sOn9th or even save the cards for those posts but didn't as the post went nowhere.

I am drawing a blank.

But I want to showcase this pretty awesome mail day from friend and blog reader Oren, so I guess we will get one of those basic this card and that card kind of post.

At least I have an idea of what I want while I am posting this. Coffee. Yup. No surprise there.

*takes a sip*

This first card was a set chase. It's a 1995 Flair Wave Of The Future that fell 1:37 packs. I have been wanting to piece together the 10-card set for many years now but only have three of them.

Side note, James Stewart looks like me while I am watching someone add too much sugar or creamer to their coffee.

The next few cards are Select Mirror Gold are shiny standouts and fell 1:5 packs. The lightbox really makes these blossom the way they should. I don't have a ton of these, but the ones I do, I really enjoy.

This next card features one of my favorite parallels of the 90's. These 1000/3000 yard club booster parallels fell 1:36 packs and with 41 subjects to find. I am also set chasing these, but I have a long ways to go with only 6 in hand.

Special Fx Die-Cuts were the combo of shiny and die cut I am always looking for (insert the Anthony Anderson rubbing hands meme-look it up if you haven't seen it). Then on top of that you toss in the hologram and it had me drooling. These were tough pulls at 1:75 packs.

The next card is a Jerome Bettis Profiles By Steve Young that fell 1:12 packs in Series 2. This card is another set chase. I might have about half of the set down.

Before Chrome was Chrome, we had Playoff Illusions that put out some great looking parallels with a chrome-like texture.

Next card is from DCIII, an all die-cut base set.

Now I may have another set to chase thanks to Oren. These stunning Hidden Gems refractors fell 1:24 packs. I know Topps brought back this insert into newer products, but nothing is better than the OG.

If I had stuck with a 90's type post, this card would have had to make a later on appearance since it's from 2000. But those who collected the early 2000's know they were just as nice as the 90's. Things didn't go downhill until 2009. Just my opinion.

Thanks again to Oren for our latest trade and I hope you like what I sent. Can't wait for our next one, I am ready when you are!

*takes a final sip before closing up today's post*

If all goes well the next time I do a post, I can be more creative. I don't want you guys having to drink caffeinated beverages just to keep you awake to read this because I was drawing a blank.

I hope you at least enjoyed the card gallery.

Have a Super Sunday. Be nice to others.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*

Before I close, I also wanted to remind you of the Coffee Card Hall Of Fame voting and that it needs you guys to nominate cards in. So far ONLY 4 cards have been nominated!!

Details on the Coffee Card Hall Of Fame can be found HERE. I may add this to every post from here on out for a reminder as I will forget about this too! Haha!

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Blog Bat-Around: 5 Best Pack Pulled Hits (Cards Over Coffee Version)

There are some Blog Bat-Arounds I like so much, I do them twice. The difference this time is I am doing it with coffee.

*takes a sip*

Matt over at Diamond Jesters has sent forth a new Blog Bat-Around challenge where he posted his Top 5 best pack pulls and wanted others to do the same. I did do this already over on Sport Card Collectors, yes, I revived the blog for a day I can do that, but I wanted to do one on here as well. I have opened up packs on both blogs so figured why not do one of these for each.

Now the one I posted on Sport Card Collectors will strongly be the better one especially with the top card, but this one I feel isn't too shabby. You can read the Sport Card Collectors one HERE.

Now onto the Cards Over Coffee version.

*takes a sip, moves on with today's post*


1996 Summit Turf Team Emmitt Smith. They don't make inserts like they used to! This one is numbered to 4000. They were randomly inserted into packs.


A Case Hit with this Genesis card which also happens to be in the Coffee Card Hall Of Fame. It had to make this list didn't it?


It's Jeter, it's an X-Factor. The odds of landing an actual good player that fits my PC is not easy. I would call this a solid pull.


Tua has shown flashes of big-time stardom and then he has moments where he has you shaking your head. But, he is still on his way up and playing for a good team and coach. Pulling a good silver Prizm is something I never do, even though this is a Prizm Black meaning the value isn't as great as it would have been as an actual Prizm silver, but it's my best card of his and it's a keeper.


It's numbered to 5, Hall Of Famer autograph. Looking at the others I have on this list, it's an obvious number 1 to me.

Well, there you go. My best 5 pack pulls on this blog.

*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*

I hope all of you join in on this fun Blog Bat Around. I want to see your best pulls.

Thanks to Matt for the creative idea and for helping me come up with a post for today.

Hope all of you have a great day!....and with lots of coffee!

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

90's On The 9th: 1995 Pro Line Autograph Jeff Blake

You didn't think I would miss anything with the 90's did you?

Here is a late coffee-less edition of 90's On The 9th.

*yawns, but tries to get this accomplished*

Tonight, I am taking a trip back to 1995 and checking out the Pro Line Classic autographs. As I have said many times on here, 1995 was my big year in the hobby as I became deeply involved into it.

I was fortunate to open a good amount of this product in 1995 and even pulled my very first autograph card from it in Mike Mamula. The autographs fell one-per-box and there were over 120 to collect. I know this number because I am trying to do the impossible and chase this set myself. So far, I have roughly 25-30ish towards my chase.
Jeff Blake is one of my favorite adds so far.  He played for seven teams in his NFL career most notably with the Bengals. I think this card is considered his autograph rookie even though he played for the Jets prior to arriving to the Bengals.

I have always liked the card fronts for these autographs since they feature action photography and on card autographs. We don't see action photography autos anymore.

The back of the card features a small write up which is kind of lame, maybe this is where Panini gets it from :)

If you are curious on my chase or have some of these I don't, see my checklist HERE. Let me know in comments if you can help!

*yawns before finishing up tonight's post*

So far this segment has been disappointing in terms of views, comments and lack of interactions. I may not continue it much longer. But, if you would like to join in on the fun for 90's On The 9th to keep it going, there is still time. Just post a card on your blog or on social media tagging me and remember to use the hashtag #90son9th.

Hope everyone has a great night sleep. I am heading to bed now so I can wake up for some coffee.

*yawns again*

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*