Friday, January 5, 2024

Coffee Please

The fans have spoken....and my gut....that's full of coffee has as well.

I have heard your pleads for more....

And now I will finally give you the answer you have been waiting for.
My mug is refilled.

This means...

Cards Over Coffee is back.

New posts coming soon.

Have a great rest of your day and drink a cup to celebrate.



  1. Glad to hear. And coffee every morning!

  2. Like Jalen Rose says, you got to give the people what they want!

  3. Nice news to hear. I still think the Cards and Coffee combination is hard to beat! I'm working on a bottle of Peppermint Mocha creamer. It may be the last one I get until next season. Coffee up?

    1. I ended my relationship with pumpkin and peppermint mocha last week, its back to hazlenut for me.

  4. Good to hear! Drinking a cup right now... as I get my morning blog-on.

  5. Replies
    1. That sounded sarcastic, but it's not! Happy to have coffee back even though I only like my coffee crisp.


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!