Wednesday, July 7, 2021

American Pieces Relics

*early morning posts are the best. That's when the most coffee can be consumed. It's time for some #CardsOverCoffee!*

Over the past year, I have been picking up cards from 2011 Topps American Pie. 

It started with just collecting the base set, then I started to uncovering other parts of the set and the chase expanded from a few of the autographs, some of the relics and especially the American Pieces Relics.

*takes a sip before continuing on. I am a tad surprised as many times as I have edited the beginning of this post that I am not on Cup #2*

The American Pieces Relics is a four card set that features pieces of American history.

So far I have half of the set, but landed the one I sought out most first.
The Statue Of Liberty relic I have wanted since I saw it on Twitter. Being a NY sports fan and a Ghostbusters fan, this relic was much needed.

Grassy Knoll is from the JFK Assassination

*takes another sip, okay, honestly I am on Cup #2 now*

With two pieces down, only the Lewis & Clark Trail and the Gettysburg Cannon remain. I am hopeful I can complete this set at some point. If any of you have the final two pieces and they are for trade, contact me!

*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*

Funny thing about these relics is that they are apart of History, a subject I couldn't stand in school but have become more and more fascinated by the last few years. Maybe it's because I am more eager to learn as an adult or maybe the things we were once taught, have started becoming history themselves as the world evolves and adapts.

No matter the reason, I am enjoying the cards and the history lesson.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. Cool relics. I'm in the same boat as you. I didn't like history in school, but these days... I love it. A few years ago I had the opportunity to teach middle school history to ELL students. It was so much fun.

    1. I hope they enjoyed hearing it as much as you enjoyed teaching it

  2. I wonder how many tourists have scooped up dirt and grass from the grassy knoll and took it home with them over the years?

    1. I saw one person tore apart one of these relics and sold it pebble by pebble in a framed art piece they made of grassy knoll


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!