Friday, November 24, 2023

It's The Christmas Season!

*digs out the peppermint mocha creamer, coffee is ready, pours it in, smells the holiday scent from it, gets ready to start today's post*

To me, Black Friday is the kickoff to the holiday season.

So today is my kickoff to the Christmas Card season on Cards Over Coffee where I will spend today until Christmas sharing some of my Christmas card collection. There will be no other card posts in-between that aren't holiday related.

Hope you're ready, especially those of you who may be Scrooges. Those are Christmas' version of Karen.

Just enjoy the sleigh ride and the cards....and the coffee.

*takes another sip hoping that no scrooge is getting upset right now*

*takes another sip*

Black Friday isn't what it used to be. It used to kick off on Thanksgiving night where you would have to arrive to stores in-person by 7pm to score some deals and then every hour after.

Nowadays, stores put "deals" (deals are no longer deals like they once were) online for weeks and then actual in-store Black Friday is on Friday as stores close Thanksgiving night now. 

So, no more lines or people fighting over the last Tickle Me Elmo at midnight.

I only ever attempted Thanksgiving night Black Friday twice just to say I did so. This picture was the view in front of me at the back of our local Walmart store in 2013 waiting two and a half hours to get checked out with my small cart of deals.

This was also my last time going and I think you can see why.

It was an experience I won't ever forget, take that as both bad and good. The good, Dunkin is inside of my Walmart. The bad, fighting people off to get into line and stay in it without being pushed over and them trying to spill my coffee.

*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*

Black Friday is a thing of the past for me. I do most of my shopping all year long and grab deals when I can. I find it's the better way to shop and you can find better deals that way.

Believe me, give it a try.

Since I haven't posted a card yet for this post, let's kick off the Christmas card season,
Here is a 2015 Panini Black Friday Santa Claus found in their Black Friday packs. I picked this up last year I believe in a trade.

There will be plenty more cards like this to be seen.

*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*

If you are out shopping today, please make sure to stay safe! The world has turned into a sad, scary place. Also, there are a lot of bad drivers out there when there is a lot of traffic. I am not one if you ask me, though my wife will tell you differently. I just want to say she is wrong and hopefully not reading that I said that as I don't want to kick off the Christmas season on the couch.

Hope everyone enjoys the magic of this season on Cards Over Coffee. There will be plenty more Christmas, Christmas Cards, and coffee on here to come. Not that anyone is surprised by the coffee (maybe some hot cocoa mixed in as well).

Have a great Friday.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. Here and there I find good Black Friday deals, but you are right that year round deals can be had. Looking forward to seeing your impressive Santa card collection, and other fun Christmas cards!

    1. There will be plenty to see, if I find the time to keep it going!

  2. I did the whole in-store, wake up at 4am in the morning and stand in the line outside only once (back in the early 2000's). It was either Walmart or Best Buy and my buddy and I wanted a good deal on this TV. Neither of us got one... and I never did it again.

    But I've gotta admit... I've done some serious Black Friday (online) shopping yesterday and today. So far... Nespresso pods, hand soap, underwear, Legos, and soft pretzels.

    1. Sounds like a good combo of stuff and that the online version is the way to go

  3. I'm currently finishing off my Peppermint Bark creamer. Next up is Peppermint Mocha that is already waiting in the fridge. Keep going with the Christmas theme. It will be interesting to see how many you come up with. Sipping on my first extended cup of coffee with 10 degrees above.

  4. Looking forward to the holiday themed posts. I'm not big on getting up early to stand in line so I can't be bothered with in-store Black Friday shopping (with one exception years ago for a PS4).

    1. Hoping I can put up some interesting content during this time

  5. If you can say something positive that came from the pandemic, it's that all these retailers enhanced their online services so that the Black Friday rush is no longer important and stores can stay closed on Thanksgiving. Should be fun month of posts. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

    1. Yes, online shopping has become the big thing now


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!