Thursday, November 28, 2024

The One With All Of The Good Thoughts

In the Friend's episode, "The One With All Of The Thanksgivings", the gang of friends recall Thanksgiving's past where they all experienced something bad that happened to them making the holiday appear as a terrible one.
To bounce an idea off from that episode and this card that is from that episode I could post on Thanksgiving all of the terrible things I have gone through this year, but I decided not to. Why re-hash and re-visit any of that?

Instead, why don't I focus on the positives? I am here. That's good right? You better say yes. Coffee. Coffee is good. I am back to blogging a little more, that is good right? This one you definitely better nod your head with. A friendship this year was patched up which is a great thing right? I still have a roof over my head, food on my table, a car to get places and online friends, those are all good things, right? I have a forgiving God on my side as well, that's good? My family is good and loving. All great things right?

Sometimes I don't see the full picture. It's becomes too easy to focus on the terrible/negative things and not see all of the positive things that actually exist this year. Even if the negative may outnumber them.

Nobody said life was easy and that it was going to be a smooth road. There will be challenges, bumps and hot coffee spills in your lap every now and then but there is still a silver lining to uncover. I think going forward I need to do a little more of that.

There is so much that I am thankful for in 2024 despite the coffee spills that I can't list it all off. This hobby, this blog, friends, family, you guys and so on and so forth. All have a special place in my heart and I am thankful for that.

I hope everyone reading this has a Happy Thanksgiving and sees the silver lining in their life. Especially if this has been a rough year for you too. Don't let me be the only one with all of the good thoughts.

I need to get back to cooking, the food isn't going to cook itself as I am head chef this year. 

And I suppose there is some football game I should watch later today. Should, but will I? The Giants have looked more lifeless than this turkey that's hitting the oven soon. At least the turkey will make me happy. Maybe sleepy so I can survive watching this team.

Once again, have a Happy Thanksgiving.

*Coffee Card Thanksgiving Chef Blogger Out*


  1. Excellent post. Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy cooking your family's feast!

  3. This post is stuffed with the good stuff! Happy Thanksgiving to all. Enjoy it wherever you are and whoever you are with. Cards, coffee and God for me. Be blessed!

    1. Thanks! I am. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

  4. It's very easy to start being negative when one doesn't feel good. And of course with all of the negative things that most modern people are exposed to via the internet on a daily basis, it's easy for that to bias one's outlook. Trying to stay positive is a challenge these days, as it seems like the whole world is against (offended by?) those who are.

    1. So true Jon. I am sure being online hasn't been a full help to my mood. Just hoping next year will be better for not only for me but for you to


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!