*coffee ready, takes a sip before doing a big post for today*
I assumed you have noticed by now, but I have added some posts on
Sport Card Collectors to help me catch up on all of the drafts I have here. By putting up some quicker posts on SCC, it allows me to put more emphasis and time on the posts that matter more which are the ones I post here.
Not that some cool cards aren't being shown off there too. So, maybe check them out.
But being able to do some "quick" posts there will help me catch up faster here. Those quick posts though will be the last ones on that blog so enjoy them while you can :)
Now I want to get to today's post which will take a couple of posts in order to accomplish posting it all.
*takes a sip*
Jon from
A Penny Sleeve For Your Thoughts contacted me a couple months ago and started to ask me about certain cards and if I would be interested in them still. He has read my blog long enough, and been a friend long enough, to know that I would be.
He told me at some point those cards would hit the mailbox and they most certainly did.
I didn't know what to expect in this box other than the few cards he mentioned in our emails back and forth.
After opening the box, I discovered that there were many layers to what he sent.
First, I came upon this note and surprise within.
Then layered with another note with more surprises.
And another layer under that with an even bigger surprise.
The more I dug through the layers I uncovered and found more exciting items.
There was such a mix of sports, 90's, non-sports and non-card items.
Keep in mind I am not posting everything that he sent. That would take many, many posts but instead I decided to post a taste of everything.
I didn't even know they made Gargoyles cards. It was a popular show but wasn't in my Top 10 favorites, I did watch it though.
I almost saved this card to post on Halloween, but I didn't.
Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves trading cards.
On sick days at home from school, I always put soaps on in the background until 3pm when Disney Afternoon came on.
I am not sure what these are, but love the images. I may use some of these for a Halloween post instead.
Jon obviously has read my blog and saw that I am a huge dinosaur fan. They were my jam before sports.
Speaking of of Dinosaurs, I always made sure to watch this. "Not The Momma!!"
I recognized this face immediately, it gave me "nightmares" as a kid. Yes, that's Robert Englund. Cool addition to my Horror nostalgia pc.
Then I found these two. They are the reason I got into writing and am still writing. I grew up wanting to write horror because of these two, but instead I write about pieces of cardboard with pictures. They are still the ones who influenced me here.
Thomas Edison. Inventor. Me Coffee Card Guy, Coffee Drinker. We are the same.
I don't know what this card is, but it's one of my favorite non-sports from the box.
Then I went all Happy-Happy Joy-Joy when I found these two in the box. I was a HUUUUGE Ren and Stimpy find. I was to Ren and Stimpy like kids are to Spongebob now. Saturday nights with SNICK couldn't come fast enough.
My favorite superhero. "I'm Batman"
I never watched Under The Dome with all of the shows I was already watching at that time, but maybe I should now. This is a pretty cool die-cut.
By now you are probably wondering what the other items were in the box...well...this was the first layer. These art cards came from The Dark Knight rises. The Dark Knight saga is probably the best Batman movies ever made.
And at the bottom of the box....
Yes!!!!! My favorite Darkwing Duck episode ever!! All the villains, all the heroes. all face off! This is sooo cool!! My childhood was split between Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and Darkwing Duck. This is a great add to my DW PC.
And there you have Part 1 of my mail day from Jon. I told you it's a lot and there is still a lot more to go
This is what I expect your faces to look like right now. In awe over what you have already seen and curious to see what's to come.
Part 2 will be posted soon.
While you wait, just soak in what you already saw and....
Don't forget you can start to nominate cards for the 2025 Coffee Card Hall Of Fame!! Cards don't have to be autographs, patch cards, super star cards. It can be whatever you think is Hall Worthy! Find details and current nominations
*Coffee Card Blogger Out*