Monday, February 5, 2024

Hospital Coffee

2024 has been brutal for me.

First, I injured my shoulder which led to a broken bone and a bruised bone/rotator cuff. From there, it has been rolling down a cliff. My car got backed into, my uncle passed away, my septic backed into my house, everyone in my household has been sick and now the latest was yesterday's early morning visit to the ER.

On top of everything else, I was buckled in pain soon after waking up on my left side yesterday morning and knew that I had to go to the ER with a suspected kidney stone. Which was confirmed once I had blood work and a Catscan done. The stone is 5x3mm and most likely won't come out on its own. So, this most likely means a fun journey to having multiple surgeries to remove it. The first surgery is to put a stent in place that I will have to stay in for a week or two, then the second surgery will be to retrieve the stone and stent. I have had this procedure done the last six stones I have had. Only once I was I able to pass one.

This means there is a long road ahead. Along with the kidney stone finding on the Catscan, there was also an umbilical hernia spotted as well. That will most likely need to be fixed with surgery later on, I will need to discuss with my surgeon first.

I cannot countdown to the end of this year fast enough. I didn't expect it to kick off like this.

At least I have the hobby to fall back onto when I need an escape.....and coffee.
Like this latest Emmitt Smith add to my 1995 Zenith Z-Team set chase. This is now my fourth towards the seventeen-card set thanks to another trade with @levy2628.

If you have any I don't and want to PWE trade, let me know! Always up for trading. Here is my spreadsheet of needs HERE.

Hope everyone has a great Monday. I will hopefully have more cards to post about soon and more updates on my journey with my health.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. Sorry to hear about this unfortunate start to your year. There's plenty of time for it to get better, so here's hoping for lots of good things for you this year as well!

    1. Thanks Matt, I hope so. Can't take anymore bad news

  2. Man, rough times for sure. Get well soon.

  3. Praying for your health and everything else going on to turn around to the positive. One question I learned to never ask is "What Next?". There are many health issues in my house so I can relate to what you are going through. Hopefully the Hospital coffee was tolerable. I don't have any cards for that set, or I would send them to you. Take care of yourself.

    1. I need to learn not to ask that question, it has led to a next. Not fun

  4. I'm right there with you. I'm already looking forward to 2025 as well. It's a good thing we have the hobby, and with everything going on, perhaps there will be a care package in the future...

    1. Thanks Oren. I hope things get better for you as well!

  5. Sorry to hear about the kidney stone. I've had three myself at different times, but only one required surgery. I can truly empathize with you. Its too bad they can't try to break it up with ultrasonic waves first.

    1. I wished that was an option here. They only have one machine and it only comes once a month and seems to be timed when I am not having one

  6. After the current ailments are healed up I hope you have a fantastic rest of the year.

  7. As somebody who's also had a rough start to 2024, my heart goes out to you. Hang in there. We'll get through this bump in the road.

    1. Here's to better days ahead for the both of us

  8. Damn. That is quite a crazy start to 2024. Hope things turn around for the better quickly... starting with those two surgeries.

    1. Thanks. Yes, just need to push through those


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!