Sunday, December 31, 2023
Monday, December 25, 2023
Can I Take Something Out For You?
*sits down for a very quick cup of coffee before the present onslaught begins including the packages I got*
*takes a sip*
Today is the day! The day we all have been waiting for....IT'S Christmas!
When trying to come up with a Christmas post, I always try to make it short and sweet but also show something cool off I haven't before.
This year, I am fortunate to be able to show off a really cool piece to my Christmas Vacation collection thanks to my buddy Wes, who sent this in his Christmas package last year.
One of the most iconic scenes in the movie with the most memorable lines when Clark Griswold is at the mall and meets Mary one of the mall merchants who was selling a lot of revealing clothing. Clark claimed to just be blousing...browsing but I think there was more to it. Especially because of the pool scene later in the movie.
Mary is played by Nicolette Scorsese who signed some photos and included the iconic inscription that led to all of Clark's ramblings.
This is probably one of the coolest pieces I have in my Vacation collection because it relates directly to the movie.
Thanks again to Wes for this major surprise last year.
*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*
I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas! Remember that Jesus is the reason for the season, and we wouldn't be here without Him. Hope God blesses you all!
In comments, let me know what you hope to find under the tree or what you did find depending on when you read this.
I will let you know if I find any coffee....or cards.
*Coffee Card Blogger Out*
Friday, December 15, 2023
Don't Be A Grinch
*takes a sip, sits down and gets ready for a new post on Cards Over Coffee*
*changes mind, stands on chair*
If you don't like Christmas, Christmas songs, Christmas lights, the word Christmas or Christmas card blog posts, all I ask is that you just walk away and ignore it until after the New Year.

Don't be a Grinch. Don't take the joy away from others. Let them enjoy the season. The season of Christmas is magical, and everyone has a different reason for why they enjoy it.
Thank you.
*steps down off chair*
*takes sip*
*Coffee Card Blogger Out*
Monday, December 11, 2023
The Santa Clauses
*takes a sip. cards nearby, breakfast as well, its time for some Cards Over Coffee*
When I say breakfast is nearby....
I probably should have put that as "breakfast". One of my favorite treats this time of year are the Little Debbie Christmas Tree cakes. I hadn't tried the chocolate one until this year and it's not even close to as good as the original.
And before you say, you shouldn't be eating that stuff for breakfast, with decaf coffee I need the extra boost some days. Also, I should also update my weight loss as I am now only three pounds away from my goal :) So a Christmas Tree cake here and there isn't going to kill me and if it does, I will die happy.
*opens up the first cake, takes a bite, takes a sip, another bite and sip and gets ready for the cards portion*
This week will be a busy one for me as I prepare for family coming from afar to do an early Christmas with us. There are a lot of preparations I must do before they arrive such as house cleaning, filling the fridge and making some goodies along with being sure to have their gifts wrapped.
I am sure up at the North Pole this week, they must be busy as well.
If Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer special told us anything, it told us that Mrs. Claus is spending all of her time right now getting Santa fat. That's got to be the life.
And I am sure the Big Man himself is soaking it all in while checking all of his naughty and nice lists along with all of the kid's requests. I hope he got my list I posted a few weeks ago. Only other thing I would add is a Dunkin' Gift Card and an eBay one.
Hopefully while the Clauses are busy, they remember to leave Frosty in the Christmas snow and not bring him in to help with the Christmas preparations.
Or there will be some wet cleanup on aisle Claus.
Luckily for me, I will have some time this week without appointments and other errands to get things prepped. Though it would have been nice to have some elves to help and to have the Mrs get me fatter with some extra treats.
*takes a sip, finishes up first cake before closing up today's post*
There are other relics I need to add to my Christmas collection above that aren't strictly based on sports. I really enjoy the novelty ones that Topps puts out every year. One of the next ones I hope to get is the Elf relic. I am not sure if they have a reindeer one yet, but that would be on there as well.
I hope all of you have a magnificent Monday.
*Coffee Card Blogger Out*
Sunday, December 10, 2023
Family Matters
*sits down, takes a sip, turns on Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree by Brenda Lee*
It's what Christmas is all about.
Most of my fondest memories around Christmas are the moments I have spent with family.
When I was younger, it was spending time with my grandmother who would play all of the classic Christmas songs on the radio and would dance to them. Part of the reason I chose the Brenda Lee song to play while I type this. I can still remember her dancing and singing along, makes my heart warm.
Or the one time my parents got me something other than underwear and a notebook and surprised me with a couple Darkwing Duck figures.
Or when I was a bit older after I got married, and my wife and I would play guess what I got you under the tree.
Or a little later in our marriage, where we would go to the local Christmas Eve service at Church, then have my nephew, sister-in-law, the parent in-laws over to do stocking gifts and watch Christmas Vacation while eating cookies and drinking cocoa.
Or a few years after that, the family expanding and having to do four Christmases -similar to the movie-where we would have to host one and go to three others. One of those four was my favorite because we would all order takeout, play Balderdash and laugh all night long. It was a great time. Not that I didn't like Christmas number two with the amazing breakfast food.
To now where things have drastically changed. Family comes in sections since most have moved away. We no longer do Christmas on Christmas, no more Christmas Eve services or stocking gifts, no adult gifts, no breakfasts, and no game night. I know most of that sounds like things have gone downhill, but they really haven't. We all still have fun when we are all together.
Every little moment matters, and I try to treasure them all I can. The older I get, the more I realize all of this.
For me, around Christmas time, Family Matters and I hope it does for you as well.
In comments, I want to hear some of the things you do with family this time of year or your fondest memories.
*finishes up cup of coffee, turns off song, gets ready to close out post*
*Coffee Card Blogger Out*
Saturday, December 9, 2023
90's On The 9th:1994 TCM Santa Around The World Pack Break
*takes a sip, gets ready for today's 90's on the 9th*
I can't believe we are only 16 days til Christmas. Luckily for me, I am well prepared and all wrapped. It's go time baby!
Today I am doing my very first pack break in this segment while also doing the very first Christmas 90's On The 9th as well. Even though this segment lags when it comes to views and comments, I will continue it on for at least this month.
*takes a sip*
Last Christmas I was mailed, hold on a second you probably thought I was going to sing the Wham song right? Well, I was humming it but today isn't a singing or lyrical post.
I am strictly opening a pack of 1994 TCM Santa Around the World that I was mailed five packs of last Christmas by the legendary Wes.
Here is what the packs look like. I honestly am hoping for a Gold Foil Santa. How cool would that be?
Each pack comes with 8 cards. The cards have a green border with a mistletoe in the corner and a candy cane down one side.
The 72 card set covers late-19th Century to mid-20th Century Santa paintings from different parts of the world. Those parts include, USA, Holland, Asia, France, Germany, Switzerland, England, Belgium, Mexico, and Scandanavia.
Let's see how it goes,
While the fronts capture these paintings, the backs form a 70-card puzzle image of a Santa Bear.
Sorry for not picturing those.
No gold Santa in this pack, maybe the next one will as Wes sent along 5 packs. Maybe I will open one next year.
*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*
That was a fun break, especially looking at the different images painted and used on the cards.
Hope everyone reading this today has a great Saturday and weekend.
*Coffee Card Blogger Out*
Friday, December 8, 2023
Mailmas Tree
Hey! Not to sound like an old man, though I feel like one, but no coffee sipping tonight as I should be in bed already. I just thought I would pop on really quick and show you an updated picture of what I am now calling my Mailmas Tree.
To go along with Grady M's box of mystery I got a couple days ago is a package from Dennis from Too Many Verlanders blog that showed up today! Dennis always sends tremendous mail days so I know this will be a good one. The hardest part will be deciding which to open first!
I am not sure how much fuller the tree will get before Christmas. This could be it. A couple of packages I thought would arrive on time, most likely won't now and one has already told me it will be after Christmas.
*insert sad tired face*
But, hey, two amazing ones is better than nothing right? If anymore happen to arrive though, I will be sure to post another update.
That's it for tonight. As I said, a very quick post. I guess I better to get bed before I fallllllllllllll aslllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeepppp sorry *insert big yawn*. I am not a Night Owl like my buddy Greg at Night Owl blog.
It's bad enough I will pay for staying up even this late in the morning. Guess that just means an extra cup of the good stuff. Oh, and by the way, I have another new post publishing in a couple hours I finished a couple days ago. So, be ready for that one as well.
*another yawn*
*Coffeeless Card Blogger Out*
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
A Few Of My Favorite Things
*coffee smells good, cards are ready, laptop is fired up, it's time for some Cards Over Coffee*
I have posted a variety of my Christmas cards so far, but I haven't really posted a lot of Topps Holiday baseball which is the main chunk of my collection.
Most of it is base, but I do have some of the short prints which are the cooler cards from the product other than the Santa hat swatches. At least in my opinion.
So, I thought I would show off a few of my favorite things...well cards.
*takes a sip*
*read the following to the tune of My Favorite Things*
Santa sack on Cavan.
Francisco with presents.
Ohtani is gifting.
Altuve is swinging.
and Soto with trees and these are a few of my favorite things.
When the Topps Sp come. I collect them. I will binder them. Because they are a few of my favorite things.
*end tune*
*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*
I do have other Sp's but most are pretty similar to the above ones.
I will say between all of them that my favorite is the Soto. It may take some extra creativity to beat that one in my eyes.
I hope everyone has a Wonderful Wednesday. We are one step closer to the weekend and to Christmas.
*Coffee Card Blogger Out*
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
It's Beginning
*sets up small tree*
*places an item under said tree*
*takes a pic, makes sure coffee is ready and laptop is open, now it's time for Cards Over Coffee*
*places an item under said tree*
*takes a pic, makes sure coffee is ready and laptop is open, now it's time for Cards Over Coffee*
It's the time of year where I don't open any packages or PWEs that come my way. I don't usually get a lot of them and usually they are from the same people, but no matter who they come from or what they come as, I don't open them.
Yesterday kicked off my first package of the year to go under my tree.This heavy box came from longtime friend and blog reader Grady M who is a heck of a guy overall and very generous. I can only imagine what surprises are within but I can assume there is plenty of shiny material.
I have placed it under the tree for Christmas. I plan to open it that day or night.
Yesterday kicked off my first package of the year to go under my tree.This heavy box came from longtime friend and blog reader Grady M who is a heck of a guy overall and very generous. I can only imagine what surprises are within but I can assume there is plenty of shiny material.
I have placed it under the tree for Christmas. I plan to open it that day or night.
As more packages come in, I hope more do, I will add to the tree and update the picture for here as it gets closer to Christmas.
*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*
I have begun myself sending out PWE's and a couple of packages soon both for Christmas and for trades that may have a bonus Christmas element in them. This is slower than usual when it comes to me mailing as I like to get things out right after Thanksgiving before the holiday mailing times slow everything down.
But, I guess as long as everyone gets them before Christmas, it works.
Hope everyone has a great Tuesday.
*Coffee Card Blogger Out*
Saturday, December 2, 2023
Hanging Up The Ornaments
*sits down, has coffee ready and is ready for today's new post on Cards Over Coffee*
Every year I put up my Christmas decorations early usually around the second week of November. Don't roll your eyes at me.
I do this for a few reasons. One, it takes a really long time to get everything dug out and put up. Two, I don't usually turn the lights on/etc until it gets closer to Thanksgiving. Three, I take everything down on December 26th because Christmas is over and it's time to countdown to spring. Four, I simply love Christmas and want to enjoy my decorations as long as I long as it's before Christmas.
When it comes to my Tree though, I don't put that up until Thanksgiving night.
*takes a sip*
There was a time I would get a fresh Christmas Tree, but after years of cleaning up needles and seeing the prices go way up, I ended up investing in a fake tree that already has the lights built in. Even though it doesn't have that same feel or Christmas scent, it still is pretty.
This year though, I decided to actually cut back on so many decorations including ornaments on my tree. I have never not put ornaments on my tree, but this year, I wasn't feeling it and I think it looks good as is.
Even if I had put ornaments on the tree, I wouldn't have hung up my Topps ones from Topps Holiday. I would rather keep them safe from any tree damage...or cats.
I don't have a lot of the ornaments, just ones I have traded for, but here is my ranking in terms of design for the ones I do have.
3. 2020 version. Not a lot of pop to these, but they are shaped like an ornament so I will give them that.
2. 2021. Definitely a huge improvement over 2020. Added shine, I like the die-cut star.
1. 2022 is a beautiful design. I am not sure if they can top this one. Christmas tree die-cut, full of color, beautiful.
I still need to add a 2023 ornament to my collection, but from a distance look at it, it doesn't top number one and not sure if it even gets by number two on my list.
Definitely beats out number three though.
*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*
My tree is lit brightly every night now and my outside lights as well. Things are beginning to look a lot like Christmas.....everywhere in my house I go.
Hope everyone has a great Saturday. In comments let me know when you decorate and take down your decorations.
Also, your favorite design for the Topps Ornaments above and your favorite ornament you put on your tree and why.
*Coffee Card Blogger Out*
Friday, December 1, 2023
Blog Bat Around: Letter To Santa
December 1st, 2023
Dear Santa,
I have been a good coffee card blogger this year. I have made people smile through social media and real life, I have treated others the way I want to be treated, I have held doors, helped reach stuff on the top shelf for those who needed it and even shared a cup of coffee or two.
Dear Santa,
I have been a good coffee card blogger this year. I have made people smile through social media and real life, I have treated others the way I want to be treated, I have held doors, helped reach stuff on the top shelf for those who needed it and even shared a cup of coffee or two.
And the list goes on.
For being so good this year, here are five items I would love to see under the tree in no particular order.
- 2004 Topps Chrome Eli Manning
- 2020 Donruss Rookie Sweaters Dual Joe Burrow/Tee Higgins
- Any hobby box to open
- 2017 Metal Spider-Man Homecoming Purple Precious Metal Gems Spider-Man
- 2023 Leaf Pop Century Lou Ferrigno Autograph
Thank you Santa. I promise to be a good coffee card blogger next year as well!
I will leave the coffee and cookies on the counter.
*Coffee Card Blogger Out*
(let me know in comments or join in on the Blog Bat Around which may turn into a yearly tradition of five items you are hoping to find under your tree)
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Drumroll Please
*hot coffee, bagel with jalepeno cream cheese, and a box of kleenex and a card and now ready for a new post on cards over coffee*
*starts to type, wipes nose as little under the weather, takes a sip, now keeps typing*
Snow sums up how yesterday went. The weather reports told us possibly 1-3 inches total and didn't even have us in the "watch" section of the state for bigger amounts.
It was a fun one cleaning off the cars, sidewalk and deck with the heavy wet white stuff.
Once again, the only great thing about snow other than having a white Christmas, is the scenery.
Drumroll please......
*takes a sip to soothe the throat*
With the weather being like this, it just furthers my holiday spirit for this time of year. If the snow comes down heavy after Christmas, that's a different feeling. One that can't be typed into words or you may have to hide the children from reading this blog.
With that being said, I recently had a custom card mailed to me for my Chevy Chase collection from @Clarkes1_1Cards.
Drumroll Please!!
This one fits perfectly in my Chevy Chase and National Lampoons Christmas Vacation collection. I tried to capture the shine of this card the best I could with my lightbox. But, it's much better looking in person.
I will have to set this up with the rest of my collection and maybe do a post on all of it at some point during my holiday card season.
*takes a sip, covers cough, takes a bite of bagel then another sip before finishing up today's post*
If you liked my custom card, @Clarkes1_1Cards does others as well for sports and non-sports or even ones for yourself. If you are interested, just contact him via Twitter or as you newbies call it, X.
Thanks again @Clarkes1_1Cards for the card!
I hope everyone has a great Tuesday. I am going to take a nap to feel better.
*Coffee Card Blogger Out*
Sunday, November 26, 2023
Hats And Sweaters
*sits down, takes a sip, has a stack of cards and is ready for the next holiday card season post*
Today marks Day three of the holiday season. So far, I have only adventured outside the house once into stores and already regret doing so. They weren't quite as packed as I expected, but it still wasn't fun waiting in line even at the self-checkout with one item.
If that item hadn't been coffee related, I would have left. But nonetheless I stood and waited then ran out the door faster than Speedy Gonzales minus the yellow sombrero.....and the speed. Didn't I mention how I drink decaf now? But, if that had been me six years ago when I was all caffeine, I could have ran it.
*takes another sip, stomach growls, starts to think of something for breakfast. for some reason, tacos came to mind*
To me you can't talk about the holiday card season if you don't mention Ugly Sweater and Santa Hats swatches.
You simply can't.
These cards are some of my favorite cards of the holiday season as they can produce some pretty unique swatches for some of the cards. I know many who have read my blog in the past know that I have been and still am chasing the Donruss Holiday Rookie Sweaters sets for football. This set chase is a long process that has taken me years to try to complete and I have come a long way with them.
But, I needed a break on and off with them which led to me finding other Ugly Sweater cards and even Santa Hat relics. Which I added because they are simply as cool as coffee.
Here is my current Santa Hat collection,
(my favorite of the bunch)
(you don't say many Tom Savage cards are cool, but this one definitely is)
And now onto my "other" Ugly Sweater cards,
(yeah, two of the same but different relics)
I hope to add more to these collections at some point. But, I really need to finish up those Donruss Rookie Sweater sets first. Some I am only a couple away from....well that's until Panini pumps out 2023.
Here is a look at my needs, ones on the way and finished sets if you are curious.
Note:these are all up-to-date!
*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*
I am not sure how many more year's companies will make specific holiday products for, but I hope they continue and continue to pump out more Ugly Sweater and Santa Hat cards because they have this blogger all-in on them.
Hope everyone has a warm coffee filled Sunday!
*Coffee Card Blogger Out*
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Just Let It Flow
*sits down, has coffee ready and a card in hand, let's get this Christmas party started*
Today kicks off my holiday card season that I mentioned in my Black Friday post as we are officially one month from Christmas today.
Today kicks off my holiday card season that I mentioned in my Black Friday post as we are officially one month from Christmas today.
Seems crazy doesn't it?
I wasn't quite sure how I was going to approach this as I went back and forth multiple times with myself, that's how I do all of my blog game planning and personal decisions, and finally just decided it's best not to plan it and just let it flow out.
No need to plan on special phrases, catchy titles or segments, just let the cards post and the words just get typed.
I wasn't quite sure how I was going to approach this as I went back and forth multiple times with myself, that's how I do all of my blog game planning and personal decisions, and finally just decided it's best not to plan it and just let it flow out.
No need to plan on special phrases, catchy titles or segments, just let the cards post and the words just get typed.
*takes a sip*
Today's post isn't a long one, it's simply just pleading for some assistance.
Today's post isn't a long one, it's simply just pleading for some assistance.
If any of you have any of these collecting dust in your house or in your trade pile, I would be strongly interested. I only own three in my collection, Ivan Rodriguez, Ken Griffey Jr and Mark McGwire. I would love to add any others from football or baseball I don't have.
I think these are some of the coolest Christmas cards out there. Not that Topps hasn't put a good effort in what they have done recently with their holiday products, but these are just simply at the top.
*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*
As always, comment below if you have any or just simply send me an email at and let me know there.
Hope everyone has a great Saturday. Be safe out there as I know stores and roads will be packed with shoppers.
*Coffee Card Blogger Out*
Friday, November 24, 2023
It's The Christmas Season!
*digs out the peppermint mocha creamer, coffee is ready, pours it in, smells the holiday scent from it, gets ready to start today's post*
To me, Black Friday is the kickoff to the holiday season.
So today is my kickoff to the Christmas Card season on Cards Over Coffee where I will spend today until Christmas sharing some of my Christmas card collection. There will be no other card posts in-between that aren't holiday related.
Hope you're ready, especially those of you who may be Scrooges. Those are Christmas' version of Karen.
Just enjoy the sleigh ride and the cards....and the coffee.
*takes another sip hoping that no scrooge is getting upset right now*
*takes another sip*
Black Friday isn't what it used to be. It used to kick off on Thanksgiving night where you would have to arrive to stores in-person by 7pm to score some deals and then every hour after.
Nowadays, stores put "deals" (deals are no longer deals like they once were) online for weeks and then actual in-store Black Friday is on Friday as stores close Thanksgiving night now.
So, no more lines or people fighting over the last Tickle Me Elmo at midnight.
I only ever attempted Thanksgiving night Black Friday twice just to say I did so. This picture was the view in front of me at the back of our local Walmart store in 2013 waiting two and a half hours to get checked out with my small cart of deals.
This was also my last time going and I think you can see why.
It was an experience I won't ever forget, take that as both bad and good. The good, Dunkin is inside of my Walmart. The bad, fighting people off to get into line and stay in it without being pushed over and them trying to spill my coffee.
*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*
Black Friday is a thing of the past for me. I do most of my shopping all year long and grab deals when I can. I find it's the better way to shop and you can find better deals that way.
Believe me, give it a try.
Since I haven't posted a card yet for this post, let's kick off the Christmas card season,
Here is a 2015 Panini Black Friday Santa Claus found in their Black Friday packs. I picked this up last year I believe in a trade.
There will be plenty more cards like this to be seen.
*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*
If you are out shopping today, please make sure to stay safe! The world has turned into a sad, scary place. Also, there are a lot of bad drivers out there when there is a lot of traffic. I am not one if you ask me, though my wife will tell you differently. I just want to say she is wrong and hopefully not reading that I said that as I don't want to kick off the Christmas season on the couch.
Hope everyone enjoys the magic of this season on Cards Over Coffee. There will be plenty more Christmas, Christmas Cards, and coffee on here to come. Not that anyone is surprised by the coffee (maybe some hot cocoa mixed in as well).
Have a great Friday.
*Coffee Card Blogger Out*
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