Sunday, March 23, 2025

Bump In The Road

It feels like my blog has hit a little bump in the road recently with a lot of "show off" kind of posts recently.

I know not everyone is a fan of those kind of posts, which is apparent since I lost a follower on here a couple days ago which is disappointing for a guy who is all about numbers, but I am in a rut so bear with me for now.

It can only go up from here.

Well, maybe not yet because this is another one of those quick "show off" posts but maybe after this.


And it also feels all of my recent posts like this have also one other common trend, a mail day from Blog Reader/Friend Oren.

The simple answer for that is, he is just really easy to trade with and that's what I like.

My recent mail day from him was loaded with non-sports,


Menagerie Of The Mind


Not sure who these two are, but they are now added.

Famous Rivals. Me vs Donuts. We like each other, but we shouldn't.

Encounters Venus but not Uranus. Yup, I had to toss in a kid joke there.

I have no idea what this is, but it's chromed and I am for it.

We're from the Men In's the MIB. I didn't know they had cards for this, I may have to further reseach this.

Ancient Armory. I bet I could get some serious coffee beans with this.

Magnificent Moons. Don't ask my wife about the one she has to see when I pick up stuff off the floor.

I didn't have these MLB Tonight cards.


What Once Was Believed. As an old person I could go on about newer stuff as well. Such as manners, working, low prices, etc.

Cat. I have 6....yup...just don't go calling me a cat man (lady). I love my purr babies.

Well, that does it for another show off post. Hopefully I can get past this bump in the road soon and get back to more creativity.

Have a great sleep everyone and prepare for another Monday morning.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. Oren is great, I have been trying to find something for him as he has been for months holding a Chipper auto, but I can't seem to come up with anything comparable.

  2. Nice variety of cards and subject matter. As long as there are cards and cups of coffee, I will be there. Have a great week!

  3. A. I can't imagine running a card blog without "show off" posts. They're definitely a big part of my repertoire.

    B. That Bloom County card is cool. I never read that comic, but definitely remember skipping it every morning.

    C. 6 cats? I'm more of a dog guy. I don't have anything against cats... but I am allergic to them.


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!