Monday, March 24, 2025

The Trade Flip: Spencer Jones

The Trade Flip

If the title of this new post caught your attention, I am glad you came to read.....and hopefully you brought your coffee.

With lack of funds, big time trade bait (lots of base, inserts, numbered is what I have) I have turned to trading for items I am hoping that increase in value so I can trade it for bigger items later on.

So basically, the plan is to "trade flip". Instead of investing and selling, I am trading than trading for higher values later on.

This is something I hope works and doesn't bite me in the tush later on.

One of my first "trade flips" will be Spencer Jones who had a solid spring training with the Yankees.

Not only did I acquire the Bowman first chrome and refractor, but I also landed two autographs.

They aren't the highest of end autographs, but I landed both for less than $30 trade value, so I took them.

Now I sit and wait. Hoping he turns out to be a big superstar and these go for two to three times what I landed them for.

I have a list of needs; both my Top Wants and my 12 Cup Needs which is listed off to the right side of the blog.

I will have more players in this series as I go along which includes a few Yankees. I have been downsizing my Yankees collection this year. The only Yankees I will hold onto are Derek Jeter and ANY 90's inserts or any cool looking cards. The rest will be available for those who ask :)

Hope this idea takes off for not only me, but maybe yourself. Especially if you are struggling with collecting like I am.

Have a great Monday and let me know your thoughts on this idea and don't forget your coffee on the counter, it gets cold too quickly.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. Only time will tell if this works to your advantage. Creativity is something that may help you get to your goal. Sometimes it is common sense that gets it done. Coffee helps. Have a great one!

  2. Feel like this could work if you are not overly attached to what you trade.

    Also, if you are downsizing, I would be into Bernie Williams cards if you are parting with them.

  3. Interesting concept. Hope it works out for you. I kinda did this with one of my recent flea market finds. It was a stack of oddball footall cards from the early 80's. As much as I wanted to own one of the cards... I didn't need 10 of them. But I knew I could easily trade them and land way more in trade than the initial $40 purchase.


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!