Sunday, March 23, 2025

Bump In The Road

It feels like my blog has hit a little bump in the road recently with a lot of "show off" kind of posts recently.

I know not everyone is a fan of those kind of posts, which is apparent since I lost a follower on here a couple days ago which is disappointing for a guy who is all about numbers, but I am in a rut so bear with me for now.

It can only go up from here.

Well, maybe not yet because this is another one of those quick "show off" posts but maybe after this.


And it also feels all of my recent posts like this have also one other common trend, a mail day from Blog Reader/Friend Oren.

The simple answer for that is, he is just really easy to trade with and that's what I like.

My recent mail day from him was loaded with non-sports,


Menagerie Of The Mind


Not sure who these two are, but they are now added.

Famous Rivals. Me vs Donuts. We like each other, but we shouldn't.

Encounters Venus but not Uranus. Yup, I had to toss in a kid joke there.

I have no idea what this is, but it's chromed and I am for it.

We're from the Men In's the MIB. I didn't know they had cards for this, I may have to further reseach this.

Ancient Armory. I bet I could get some serious coffee beans with this.

Magnificent Moons. Don't ask my wife about the one she has to see when I pick up stuff off the floor.

I didn't have these MLB Tonight cards.


What Once Was Believed. As an old person I could go on about newer stuff as well. Such as manners, working, low prices, etc.

Cat. I have 6....yup...just don't go calling me a cat man (lady). I love my purr babies.

Well, that does it for another show off post. Hopefully I can get past this bump in the road soon and get back to more creativity.

Have a great sleep everyone and prepare for another Monday morning.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*

Saturday, March 22, 2025

The Yankees Box

In my previous post I mentioned how my mother-in-law didn't completely miss with gifts on my birthday and in this box, I am about to show you why.

*takes a sip of smooth creamer filled coffee*

The box above she won at an auction. I don't know what she paid for it, but it was loaded with Yankee items. I assume this box was probably from someone who passed but can't say that for sure as I don't have the details either of the auction.

I didn't bother quizzing her about it, I was too distracted by the items I found.

There were two brand new table tennis Yankee paddles.

A very vintage American League Baseball guide for 1924. I wished the cover had been on this, but still a really unique collectible. Doesn't appear they don't have a lot of value even with the cover.

ESPN25 book and disc.

Very old Sports Illustrated. How cool is this??!

Some Yankee books.

Physics of Football book

Two 8x10 photos that someone took and printed off from home it appears. These were hung up on their wall at one point looking at tack holes and coloring of the corners. Two Yankee legends though! Not sure if this was before a game in warmups or spring training.

A couple of ripped out pages from a calendar. I assumed they used the pictures on the other side and hung them up. What I found interesting was the month and year included. My wife and I got married on October 19th 2002. What a coincidence that was.

And finally, the coolest of the cool find. This is a newspaper clipping from a local newspaper from 1969. It features Mickey Mantle making a career decision but also features local athletes from that era. Some names I recognized. On the opposite side of this, it featured a huge snowstorm that hit back then. I believe it said 34 inches dropped in spots. That's crazy for here, not for people that live in Buffalo.

Some really unique finds in here. I need to find a way to preserve that newspaper page so if any of you have any tips on that, let me know in comments.

Otherwise, that's it for another post and it officially closes up my birthday goods.

Have a great day.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*

Friday, March 21, 2025

She Did It Again

Well, my birthday has come and gone and all that remains is the new aches and pains, a few crumbs of cake and a few cards.

I already shared what Oren had gifted me and now I will share my only other card gift which came from my mother-in-law.

And she did it again. She bought me the wrong kind of cards.

*takes a sip of freshly brewed joe*

You are probably wondering, "there is a wrong kind of cards?" and yes for me there is. 
She went and bought more junk that I cannot use for my collection. On top of that, the cards were in awful condition and appeared that half had been soaked in water (the box dripped a little after opening)

At first glance I am sure you are thinking there has to be something in there, right? Maybe unearth one of those gems that others find from Goodwill? Nope. There weren't any surprises in here and it was really hard just to find a few highlights to post below that interest me.

The only rookie.

A couple cereal cards.

A well-loved Ruben Sierra Provision.

Probably the coolest find of the entire lot, tempered steel insert.

This one wasn't in ruff condition

90's insert, always welcome those.

See above card

See last two cards, however these are in rough shape.

1995 Fleer needs more love, give it more love.

Two Pacific game board cards? I have no idea what these are but haven't seen them before. Can't go wrong with the two players. 

Just wished the cards had been in better shape.
To finish up the finds, here is me trying to mull over what to do with the mostly ruined cards.

*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*

I know I should be grateful, which I am. She did think of me on my birthday. As always, I told her thanks and mentioned there were a few cards that really stood out to me. I just didn't have the heart to tell the truth. As Colonel Jessup would say, "she can't handle the truth!"

However, I can't say all things were bad when it comes to gifts from her as she had a second surprise for me that day. It wasn't cards but was very interesting.

I guess that just means you will have to come back and read the next post now.

See you then.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*