Monday, January 27, 2025

Picture Of The Week: Week 2

Welcome to a NEW Monday's only segment called, Picture Of The Week.

We all find Mondays to be tough, so I figured why not brighten them up a little with a picture. This could be an outdoor shot, it could be an animal, it could be scenery. Who knows. It's whatever my camera snaps for the week.

So, enjoy this week's Picture Of The Week with your favorite beverage. Preferably coffee obviously but whatever else you may enjoy to drink, coffee, will work as well.

Have a great Monday and week ahead.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. Looking at the photo of the week is like my moment of zen before heading into work.

  2. Beautiful photo. It was a big day for us as we had a funeral service for my Dad. He was 86. Coffee was good as usual. Have a great week ahead.


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!