Friday, January 31, 2025

Unfinished Cup:2024 Topps Update Mystical

My coffee is ready, my cards are and for the first time this year, so isn't an Unfinished Cup.

I have lots more to come in this series when I have time to get things all sorted.

But today we have this one because it was sitting around out in the open.

*takes a sip*

I don't do many newer sets anymore because creativity is gone, and I find myself collecting less new baseball especially. But, when I got one of these inserts, I could feel the 90's powering through.
Cool background design and it even sparkles in person. One of the coolest looking inserts I have seen in some time.

What I didn't know, was the size of this set. I was thinking maybe 15-20 in the set, nope. It's 50. 50 cards deep.

So far, I have acquired 20 of the set, but obviously still have a long way to go.

You can see what I need HERE. I have this spreadsheet up to date.

If you have any, drop a comment or email at

Thanks for taking time out today for my post!

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. It's a cool looking card, but my eyes are always drawn to that weird panda...

  2. My 1 liter of Pepsi stock is dwindling so refill it for me I have some mystical for you send me your address

  3. I have never seen one from that set before. I guess we learn something new every day. A new pot made recently with some in my cup is a great thing! Happy Friday.

    1. I think there are some Twins maybe? in the set. You should add one!

  4. Yeah... these are cool. My favorite Topps inserts of 2024 were the Topps Chrome All-Etch cards. They totally remind me of late 90's Topps inserts.

  5. I miss the days where an insert was at most one per team. 50 just sounds daunting from a ripping perspective.


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!