Thursday, January 16, 2025

Updates And Thank Yous!

Well, 2025 has been going smooth so far. Just as smooth as this delicious Green Mountain Coffee I got from the hospital yesterday when I went for my check up on the cyst on my cheek.

Update on that, well, good news and weird news. I went there thinking the cyst was on my left side because that's where I feel the lump, but nope, it was found to be on my right side in the scans. So, the ENT did a full exam of my face, said he doesn't feel the one on the right but does on the left. I asked him what my level of concern should be, he said, "I wouldn't say not to have any, but it's around 2%. There isn't much worry about them." He then said he would check in with the radiologist who took the scans to see what he has to say about the left side and to see if anything at all showed up on the scan. Other than that, I need to go back in a year to get an ultrasound done, possibly on both, and see if there is any growth.

All In all, good news.

Well, to no surprise the man, the legend Night Owl Cards took home the trophy again with the Trading Card Database Favorite Blog. However, for the first time in 13 years and the 8 years they have held this, I made the list in the Top 3. Completely unexpected. So, thank you to the members of TCDB who voted for Cards Over Coffee. I appreciate this so, so much.

I got another great trade mail day from blog reader Oren!

Lots of Allen Ginter love,


Then some other non sport goods,

(this reminds me that I need to finish this set, only 10 cards left!!)

And then there was a surprise at the end,
even though it's faded, still a cool rookie auto!

Thanks Oren for another great trade, looking forward to the next.

Hoping this year continues to be great like it has started so far. I hope your year goes well too.

Have a great Thursday.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. Congrats on the 3rd place finish!

  2. Your next stop, the Twilight Zone! Fun to watch and I still can't figure out most of the episodes. Confusing for your cyst location. Hopefully everything stays stable. You will get my vote every time for TCDb favorite blog. One day at a time with a cup raised to you!

  3. Congratulations on securing the bronze! Hope everything ends up being okay with the cyst. My stomach was wonky the past few days, so I'm taking a break from coffee for another day or two. But when I have that first cup... it's dedicated to you.


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!