Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Batman And The Tasteless Coffee

*sits down, takes a sip of flavorless and scentless coffee*

*cards nearby, time for some cards over coffee*

Just in case anyone on here was wondering where I went after a two-week stint of posts on and off, I caught Covid.

My wife first caught it from work from a co-worker, she's a nurse at a pediatrics office so surprised more stuff hasn't come home, and obviously being in the same room/house as her it was only going to be time before I caught it and I did. I have had Covid twice before and it was rough both times. This time it was a bit tamer except this time I have the aftereffects. Just when the cold portion came to an end, I completely lost my taste and smell. My coffee is like hot water. My nose couldn't tell I was washing the bathroom yesterday with bleach. There is nothing and it's driving me nuts. I just hope it comes back; I know some never get it back.

Just adds to my 2024 year of an ongoing country music song.

*takes a sad sip*

The bright spot of the last week was a mail day I got from fellow blogger Johnny's Trading Spot. The mail day included some cards from the 1966 Topps Batman set. One of the coolest vintage non-sports sets ever made.

Being a huge Batman fan, these were superb adds to my collection.

These move up on my favorite Batman cards I own list. Always wanted to chase this set, but most likely impossible. I do have other Batman sets I want that will be easier....I think.

Thanks Johnny for making a dull week bright.

*takes a sip of nothing before finishing up today's post*

I hope I get my taste and smell back soon but from Google and a few replies on Twitter/X, it sounds like I have a few weeks to go on this.

Have a great Tuesday.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. A. I caught the bug last year... and lost my sense of taste and smell too. Not sure what was worse... the bad headaches or that. Hope you get them back soon.

    B. That Batman set is awesome! Johnny hooked it up big time.

  2. Nice Batman cards. Praying that you will be able to taste your coffee again soon!

  3. Glad I could brighten something, lol. BTW, try strawberries, even a strawberry milkshake.... serious try it you might spark the taste buds.

    1. I gave it a try, might need to again. THanks for the advice!

  4. Glad to hear that you made it through your latest bout of Corona relatively unscathed. Thanks to allergies, I sometimes have trouble being able to taste things. It's not very fun.

    1. Thanks Jon, this hasn't been fun to deal with.


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!