Friday, September 20, 2024

Out Of The Blue

*coffee is ready and hot, so isn't today's mail day show off*

I know in my last post I hit you guys out of the blue (definition meaning completely unexpected) with the news of this blogs upcoming retirement, for which I apologize for, but I just feel it's time.

And it's not just because of the views and comments, it's more about life.

Life comes first and it has kept me on my feet all year and hasn't slowed down. It's time I start to slow down some and use moments that I spend doing this for important ones.

With that being said, let's get to today's post or what we can call Cup #1 of the final 12 left.

*takes a sip*

I also received something myself out of the blue myself from longtime friend and Cards Over Coffee reader, Oren.

And that was a superb mail day.

Especially when I open up a package and it's loaded with unopened non-sport packs.

Which included packs from my favorite Batman movie, Batman Returns. I also really like the Dark Knight series to. I believe there were four packs to open and open I plan to!

Batman will always be my favorite super hero.
My sister loved The Little Mermaid movies and cartoon series growing up. She would pretend to be Ariel and attach a long thing of toilet paper to her pants and pretend that was her fins. My parents didn't have money for anything better than that. These will serve as a fun memory to those days.

The Truth is out there. And it's that I dig getting these X Files trading cards.

I really look forward to opening these two as well.

I don't know who this is, but I like adding cards like this as I learn who they are.

Topps Chrome Black and Star Wars is a great combo. I would love a Darth Vader card like this and have it as a refractor to...I bet that is stunning!

And my final card, well cd-rom, is of Wally Szczerbiak. I miss the days companies would think outside of just the regular card box. Upper Deck was always known for their innovation.

Thanks goes out to Oren for another fun mail day. I am looking forward to kicking up our trading again as I have a stack and some stamps ready to go.

I hope you have enjoyed today's post ....out of the blue.

*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*

Also, out of the blue the last couple of weeks especially, I have had some lymph nodes in the left side of my neck (front near adams apple and back of neck to) swell up without any explanation of why. So, this will lead me down a new path as I am waiting on a call to set up a catscan with dye to see if they can figure this all out. All I can say is that it's very uncomfortable at the moment.

As I said earlier in this post, life has really thrown some lemons at me this year.

I will keep an update on this as I know more.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. Any pack is a good pack to open. Fun stuff there.

  2. Praying for some answers and some relief. Keep up the battle and move one step at a time. Coffee and an unexpected mail day of cards is a bonus. Have a great weekend!


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!