Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The 12-Cup Plan

*sits down with some cards and coffee ready to post the latest post on cards over coffee*

This morning, I have been spending some time reflecting on blogging and what I should do moving forward. With time, views, comments playing a factor, this morning I officially retired for good (yes, I promise you they are not returning), Sport Card Collectors and Big Blue Cardboard.

Which now leaves me some decisions with this blog.

The same factors play a role with this one as well along with my decline in mail days. Time is shorter now with my life being busier and I spend a lot of time doing each and every one of these posts when I have time and getting 30 views and 2 comments per post doesn't quite feel like the effort I am putting in is getting the attention I had hoped for. I could spend my little free-time better elsewhere which includes my neglected collection which could use a lot more sorting attention.

But I am not quite ready to just call it quits on this blog yet. I am not retiring it today that's for sure.

It is coming though.

After today, I have "brewed" a full 12-cup pot of coffee and once that pot is empty, the blog will end. Which also means I will have to keep re-warming up the cups before every post. Or just brew single cup. You get the point.

In layman's terms, there are 12 more posts left on this blog which will end on May 10th 2025, the blog's 5th anniversary. I think this is the perfect way to end this blog.

Of course, we all know I have changed my mind on things in the past many times, but right now, I am pretty set on this idea and next summer only gets busier.

To break up the good and bad news of this post, I thought I would share some mail days that have sat in my drafts for a while.

*takes a sip*

Marshall Faulk was one of the players I was missing in my Hall Of Fame autograph collection and now he is home. Leaf or not, it's still an auto.

Shiny Fleer Mystique Supernaturals insert. The shiny Griffey's always catch my eye first.

Like above, shiny Griffey. This one is numbered to 199.

And for now, this cleans up my card picture drafts so I have nothing else to showoff right now.

*takes a sip before closing up today's post*

With only 12 posts remaining going forward on this blog, I will be very picky and choosy on what I post when I find time to post. Not that I have a lot incoming to post about anyways, but any mail days from bloggers will take high priority over anything else.

I hope everyone has a great Tuesday.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. Matt I haven't given up on my blog yet so don't give up on the coffee especially from this non-coffee drinker fan

  2. Coffee and cards is always a great combination! Time for terrific Tuesday (what is left of it)!

  3. I'm strongly leaning towards next year being my last for blogging as well.

    1. I have felt it for a few years now, I think next year just feels right to finally let it go

  4. Maybe think of it as a diary that you can look back on? I get about 7 to 15 views but am doing it to help log my journey in collecting!

    1. I have, it's just so hard to pour so much in and it's draining. My time is also cut way back so I am not having as much time to do it and try to keep up with the actual hobby

  5. Blog views have definitely plummeted over the past couple of years for me as well. And I'd be lying if I told you I haven't thought about retiring as well. But I doubt I'll ever officially retire my blog. In the worst case scenario... I'll use it to post updates on my life and my hobby status. If not for any readers who care... it'll be for me to help me remember things down the road.

    1. It's sad. Blogging used to be more fun and there used to be a lot more readers, followers and more blogs to read. I am down to like only five that I read on a consistent basis now since so many on my read list have retired

  6. As you have admitted, we shall see! I don't see a reason why you should shut it down like Fuji mentioned but IF it's true you'll be missed!


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!