*sits down, takes some time out to try and get a new post up on cards over coffee*
*takes a sip of brew, gets ready to type*
When I last posted, I mentioned it would be awhile before I would be able to post again because life would become hectic. Well, it has become that, but yet, here I am trying to find time to put up a new post.
*takes another sip*
The week after my last post on here, I took what I called "A Trip Of A Lifetime" as I volunteered to be a chaperone on an 8th grade trip to Washington, DC. As most who have followed me on here or on other social media sites know, I don't get out much nor do I ever get to take trips. The last time I took a trip was to Maine and that was 6 years ago.
It was time for me to finally hit the road again and take a trip and if that meant to be a chaperone to be able to take one, I didn't care. I can't afford to take one otherwise and the school was covering all expenses on this trip.
I had never been as far as Washington DC before in my life, the furthest I had been before that was NJ to see the Giants back in 1994, so it was going to be quite exciting. Not to mention all of the history I would see in the Nation's Capital.
The trip would be a 10-and-a-half-hour train ride from where the two-hour bus ride would leave us. so 12 hours total. It would also be my first train ride as well.
We headed out on Monday which the entire day was spent on the train, but it was building up to Tuesday where the fun would begin.
And I wasn't going without a coffee or two while I was on the ride. However, they were $3 a small cup so I didn't do more than two.
The train ride didn't turn out to be quite as stressful as I thought it would be. I also had a motion sickness patch on so that helped in my journey as well.
We arrived to our hotel about 11 pm after having to take the metro to get to it. It was the first time I had been on a metro so that was quite the experience as well. Good thing I had the motion sickness patch on.
I don't think I went to bed until 12:30 after that long day.
*takes a sip, grabs a breakfast snack, takes a bite, continues on with the post*
The next morning came before I was ready for it and coffee and breakfast from the hotel was in order before the day started. Wasn't bad for a hotel breakfast buffet.
I did have to request a pot of decaf coffee or otherwise I would have gone without, and I can't have that happening.
However, we did get to visit mostly everything on the itinerary.
Starting with the Arlington National Cemetery.
We got there early to avoid the lines which started to grow by the seconds we stood there.
Once inside, you could feel the history.
Especially once the tour began. It was mind-blowing if you haven't been there before.

One of the coolest things we got to witness was the changing of the guard.
It was something that is hard to even describe. Just a lot of emotions.
And this was my last picture on the way out.
That was quite the memorable experience for sure.
Next, we had lunch at Hard Rock Cafe. I have always wanted to go to one and it was as great as I had hoped.
Between the music memorabilia, stupid me didn't get any pictures of that, (what kind of collector am I??!!)
And the meal, I was pleased. I didn't get the Hard Rock burger I had hoped for since they didn't seem to want to cook it well done (no pink in any meat for me), so I got this chicken burger instead. Was solid.
They also let me charge my phone while I was there since I had been using it was dying from taking so many pictures (I took more than I have included in the posts).
Next up, we were hitting up the National Zoo.
Once again another metro ride and then a trip up these bad boys to the zoo. This escalator was the tallest one I have ever seen and been on. I did not look back once I was on.
The zoo was a tad disappointing in comparison to Arlington and even the lunch, but I still got to see some animals and go to the zoo for only the second time in my life.
(gorilla hid from the camera the whole time like we were paparazzi)
(now this is the life, just picture that with me with a cup of coffee)
The elephants were the highlight of the zoo as they were the easiest to spot (yes there could be a small joke in that statement as well). A lot of the animals were either missing or hiding which made the zoo part not really a thrill like I had hoped especially for it being the National one.
After the zoo, we went and grabbed lunch from a pizza place up the street from our hotel that served up large NY slices. My first-time having NY pizza as well and I enjoyed it. Which I also got Hawaiian for my slices and yes, pineapple does go on pizza.
To finish the day, have I mentioned this part yet.....a baseball game!!! Yes, we got to see the Nationals take on the Diamondbacks but we will wait on that for another post.
The trips not over yet, there is still more posts to come.
In the meantime, finish up your cup of joe for this post and have another one hot and ready for the next one.
Have a great Wednesday, until next time.
*Coffee Card Blogger Out*
Cool stuff with a wide variety. It's great you can do this especially getting a chance to pour positives into the students.
ReplyDeleteYes it was a lot of fun and quite the experience
DeleteDC is a fun trip - there's so much to see and do there.
ReplyDeleteWay tooo mjuch!!
DeleteI like Hawaiian pizza too. I have the opportunity to chaperone the DC trip every year, but these days I need the break to recharge my batteries. I wish they would have offered this trip fifteen years ago when I was younger and had more energy, because the all-expenses paid is definitely attractive. A couple of my friends went this year and they had a blast. Their only complaint was that they wished they had less guided tour time... and more free time to explore. They didn't go to a Nationals game... but they did hit up a Red Sox game at Fenway.
ReplyDeleteRed Sox game instead? I would rather go to Nationals lol
DeleteThe wife and I took the kids to DC before Covid hit. We went over spring break and it is a lot of fun. The week we were there went by quickly. Unfortunately, part of the Smithsonian was getting a facelift and the Air and Space museum was closed off. But there is so much to see and do there it's impossible to take it all in within a week.
ReplyDeleteIt was impossible to see it all. We didn't get to. Would need a month
ReplyDeleteWow! Never been to D.C. Now I want to go.
ReplyDeleteYou need to!
DeleteLooking forward to the rest of the trip! How many kids were you escorting?
ReplyDeleteThere was 17 of us total