Thursday, August 31, 2023

Yes, I Had To

I haven't opened up a lot of products this year, with no sponsors and lack of funds, it's been a real tough go for me. 

One of my favorite things to do in this hobby is ripping packs. I would rather open up packs of cards before adding a PC card or finishing up a set. 

I can see you shaking your heads at that last sentence, I get it.

With this year being so tough, I have had to change my perspective and how I collect and enjoy the hobby. So instead of being able to open up packs, I have been using stamps and making small pwe trades on occasion. Not quite the thrill of opening up a pack, but I am getting adjusted to being more excited about it.

However, with the recent release of Topps Chrome baseball, the itch got the better of me.

I haven't missed a single year of opening some form of Topps Chrome from one or multiple sports since its inaugural year of 1996. Could I really let that streak end this year? It's my favorite product release ever and not being able to open up at least a pack was getting to me.

But so wasn't the price.

I told myself after finding out blaster boxes at Walmart were $40, twice what they used to be, that I wouldn't fork out that cash for a blaster whether I had it or not.

That's until I found out I had money leftover on a Walmart gift card, then I pulled the trigger.

Regrettably so.

You will see why below,
Every 2023 Topps Chrome baseball blaster box comes with 7 packs of 4 cards. So, you're paying $40 for 28 cards. Meaning each card better be worth $1.50 each. I am sure you can find better cards in a dime and quarter box and bring more home for the cost.

I kicked off with my first card of the new Topps Chrome with Jose Altuve.

I won't bother showing rest of the base cards as this was the biggest name I found, so let's skip to the rookie portion.
Not a lot going on here. Rookie pitchers are not my thing.

Final rookie card wasn't too bad. I would rather have found Volpe but I will take it.

Next up, let's take a look at my favorite part of Chrome, the shiny stuff.
Meh base silver finds. These are 1:3 packs.

Pink Outman was the highlight of this box. Two Pink Refractors are per blaster.

Ugh. Two Sepia Parallels fall 2 per blaster. Not a fan of either player.

And another not-so-exciting find. The Prism parallels fall 1:6 packs so only one-per-blaster so my one shot wasn't great.

The inserts for my box break weren't much better,
Let's not discuss any further on these most hated inserts. These fall 1:6 packs.

And finally, 1:24 packs falls Technicolor. Tougher pull when you think about these falling 1:3 blasters but still player wise not so great.

I guess I should have let my streak come to an end this year, but, I am a traditionalist, so I had to keep it alive. It was still fun having the thrill of the rip, but I should have not spent the money still. Hopefully I can trade some of these off for something I need more.

With future finances not looking any better, I am sure next year I will be facing the same thought process when Topps Chrome releases next year.

Thoughts on my break, Topps Chrome in general and the prices for this year's product welcomed in comments.

I hope everyone has a Thirsty Thursday, in coffee form of course and has a great day as well.

Speaking of Thirsty Thursday, this coffee card blogger needs another cup.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. 40 bucks for the same thing you always get? Yeah, I won't be buying any of that.

  2. I don't think I have ever bought a new blaster. I have some unopened packs of 1988 Donruss and Topps if I really have an itch to rip a pack. My cup is half full, but I need a heat up.

    1. I have been sitting on some older stuff as well, that will be more fun than this turned out to be

  3. Well, it was a pretty good box for Mets content, anyway! That's what I'd be telling myself if I'd gotten that box.

    But, yeah, no way, no how, am I paying $40 for a blaster any time soon. As you say, not as long as there's good stuff in dime boxes (or even at the online for 15 cents each shipped).

    The good news is I've started to see old blasters at Wal-Mart for $17 again. Decent if you're itching to rip.


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!