Sunday, March 10, 2024

It Was Spring

The snow was melted. The spring flowers were poking up through the ground. The birds were chirping. I was spinning around like Mary Poppins outside singing happy melodies while the cartoonish animals followed me around.

Spring was on its way......

Until I woke up this morning.

(even the birds were sad)

There was a fresh 5-7 inches on the ground with more on the way. UGHHHHHHHHH.

But that's just how 2024 has gone. I went from Mary Poppins to Snow Miser overnight.
At least I was able to enjoy a fresh taste of Maple Syrup, the real stuff not the kind with lady on the bottle, before the snow fell.

Because you know, it was spring.


  1. Yeah, it's snowing here right now as well...and our flowers were up and trees were starting to bloom. We lost most of our tree flowers last year with a late freeze in May, I'm afraid we might see the same thing again this year.

    1. Luckily my flowers weren't all the way bloomed yet, I don't want the lilac trees to die like last year

  2. It's State Tournament time here in Minnesota where people are always talking about the blizzards that happened years ago. I never want to see a repeat but know that it may happen. We actually saw a Robin in our front yard this week. Fresh Maple Syrup and a good cup of coffee sounds great!

    1. We have seen plenty of march and even april snow storms

  3. My son's first baseball tournament is this Saturday. In Indiana we could see 70s or we could see snow. Right now its looking to be low 50s, but that can easily change.

    1. Hopefully it didn't 50s here is like summer haha

  4. Sorry about the snow... but gotta say... you sure have some pretty views looking out your windows.

  5. That's crazy that you got the snow just like that. Although I'm scared of the mild winter I'm having. Mid 60s in NYC in March? Probably going to have a scorching summer. I can just taste the humidity already.

    1. Yes, it was pretty mild overall here this winter. Not warmth wise but lack of snow wise. It's snowing today even


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!