Wednesday, October 25, 2023


*sits down, takes a sip. looks at a couple of cards nearby to post about, gets to typing*

I have had a hard time keeping up with mail days, send backs and blog posting. Life has been crazy busy and the little time that I have had has been spent working on my Beckett articles or putting cards away that have been on my downstairs floor for the past year.

So, I must apologize to those that have been waiting for their mail days to be posted or a return mail day from me.

I promise you, Brent, Oren, Dennis, Rick, Bryan, Tim, a new guy that I just traded with and a few others that you should be getting something by months end. I just need to sit down and pack them up.

I have set aside some time today for that and some blogging. Let's see if I can get caught up on some of that and some of these mail day posts.

*takes a sip*

Today's post contains two cards of the same player, but from two different brands and two different RAK's I received last week.

The player is Victor Webanyama, who was selected first overall in the 2023 NBA Draft by the San Antonio Spurs and was known widely as a "can't miss" prospect. When I hear words like that, I have to have a card of him for my rookie card collection.

But, with my funds the way they are, I knew I couldn't afford to buy one or even try to pull one from packs so I sought out to trade for a card of him with zero luck.

Fortunately, this hobby is full of wonderful people and I had two sent to me.

@manof_sports pulled a few of the Allen and Ginter base cards of Wemby and offered to send one my way. I happily took it.

Then there was this Wemby, that was already on my want list for multiple reasons (Yankees fan, cool photo, rookie) so crossing off a want on top of a want was great.

This card was sent by the great people @MashingDingers.

I can now cross this card off the want list.

Thanks again to @MashingDingers and @manof_sports for the mail days.

*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*

I am not sure how Wemby's season will go or how he will pan out. Will he have a career like Zion who was also a can't miss prospect or will he be a superstar? Hard to know right now. All I know is that I have a couple cards of him and that they have a happy place in my collection.

Hope everyone has a great Wednesday.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*

Before I go completely out, make sure you join in on my blog bat around and spread the word on it. It's the easiest one you can do!
See it here if you missed it:


  1. I don't follow basketball, so I don't know what kind of player Wembanyama will be, but I can always appreciate a card showing someone juggling baseballs!

    1. He seems to be playing well so far! I don't follow the sport in-depth anymore but just enough to keep track of rookies I add

  2. Hadn't seen the Topps Now Wemby, might have to find one. Thanks for sharing it!

  3. Cool stuff! I'm watching Wemby right now against the Mavericks.


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!