Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Slice Of American Pie:Vincent Price

*takes a sip of very hot murderous coffee, by murderous it's murdering my tongue*

*burns tongue again, keeps on typing*

When trying to find a card to show off for Halloween, it's not always easy. Especially if you have been blogging for as long as I have it gets harder to show off a card you own that you haven't shown off yet.

I think after lots of digging, I found one.

I don't have many parallels from American Pie, but one of them screamed Halloween for today's post and it was horror genius Vincent Price. His name even sounds evil.

Yes, he was in comedies. Yes, he was on TV. Yes, he was a cook. But he was also a horror movie master starring in close to 40 films.

Some notable films I have seen him in is House Of Wax, House On Haunted Hill and The Fly.

Price is a name that a lot of horror buffs know and has his place in horror movie history as a legend.

He is also card 39 in the 2011 American Pie base set.

*takes a sip, this time the coffee is cooler and just stings the already burnt tongue*

Speaking of this set, I am so scary close to completing it! 38,41,45,50,52,78,81,100,103,108,120,137,152,155, and 166 is all that remains.

If you have any set help for me, please comment or email me at sportcardcollectors@hotmail.com.

I hope everyone has a safe holiday. Don't do anything I wouldn't do and don't take candy from strangers, eat your own bag like I will be.

And if you are handing out coffee, let me know. I will be right there.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. one more piece of Vincent Price trivia, he collected Art, and created and endowed an Art museum in the Los Angeles area. More Specifically Monterey Park. Concentration of Central, South and Latin American art works from Inca through modern day. [abide on TCDb]

  2. I checked the few I have left from that set and unfortunately none of them are ones you need. Coffee is great as I look at the first snow of the season out my front window. Fall activities that I need to get done may not happen. Oh well! Time for a refill.

  3. Wifey and I watched him in bride of Frankenstein last weekend

    1. I forgot about that one, I have seen that as well


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!