Monday, October 2, 2023


*sits down, has a cup of fresh,hot,delcious coffee (sounds tempting doesn't it) sitting nearby.(

*takes a sip, gets ready for the new post*

Tom from The Angels, In Order blog recently was unloading a lot of freebies on his blog, so as any normal person would, I scrolled through to see what was available.

A lot of the freebies were baseball related and with baseball being at the bottom of my want lists, I scrolled by. That's until I saw something that caught my eye.

Sitting among the baseball was this Riddler Batman Forever promo card. Oh yeah! Right up my alley. So, I claimed one for myself and another for a kid with Autism I know who is a big Batman fan.

I know Batman Forever isn't at the top of my favorite Batman movies, but, it's not as terrible as many rank it. I think Jim Carrey as The Riddler wasn't a bad choice either as he can play the crazy role well, both in the movies and in real life. 

Speaking of Carrey, is this his Rookie Card? Hmmm....

Also in the mail day was a bonus surprise....
A jumbo card from the Batman Animated movie Mask Of The Phantasm.

Back of the card has a coloring blank. 

I don't plan on coloring it as I would ruin it by coloring outside the lines.

However, it's a unique piece for my Batman collection and I also liked the movie, and the twist in it.

Thanks again to Tom for the latest adds to my Batman PC and for throwing in the bonus freebie and extra Riddler.

I hope everyone has a great Monday or at least a subpar one.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*

1 comment:

  1. Happy coffee Monday! Thank you for thinking of the child with ASD. Three of mine are on the spectrum and quite a few I coach in Special Olympics are as well. One more sip until empty!


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!