Tuesday, April 30, 2024


I can't believe that another month has almost gone by in 2024. I would say April was by far the fastest month yet. If I look out my window and see snow all over again because it's Christmas already, I may cry.

Even though I love Christmas, I just need some green grass and sunshine first.

To celebrate another month gone by, I thought I would share what possibly is and what might be my biggest mail day of 2024 thus far.

It's time for some cards and some coffee.

*takes a sip*

@ChrisParksIT and I have done multiple trades on Twitter, but none like this one.

Chris noticed that I have been really into collecting Marvel cards, so he inquired if I was interested in any WandaVision cards since he had opened a case of the Upper Deck product.

I have never seen the Disney+ series but know the characters from the Marvel movies I watched. So of course I was interested.

And after a few days of searching, we were able to come to a deal. Chris is very easy to trade with which is great.

He passed along an entire base set, stack of parallels (roughly 100+), a couple of autographs, some film cel relics and a hobby box. Yes, a hobby box. Which I believe is my first hobby box break of 2024 and my first opening of anything since Series 1 released.

This is the base set that I need to binder still.

The Purple and Red parallels fall one-per-pack. They look super cool against the black and white base set pictures. There was almost a complete set of each so I may need to write down what I am missing and finish them.

Wanda's Reality are unique thick acetate insert cards. I think these only fall a couple per case.

This may not look like many Film Cel relics, but it actually is. One of these stacks is actually a complete 6-card set. The others have two or three towards its 6-card set.

Evan Peters autograph. He has played in a variety of TV shows and Movies over his career including Marvel and the Dahmer mini-series.

Fred Melamed played in a variety of TV and Movies, nothing that I have really seen. But when I take the chance to watch this series I will have seen him in something.

Some really cool items added to my Marvel PC thanks to this trade.

But this wasn't everything. I still had that hobby box to open.

Here were the results. A Green parallel /99, a Film Cel (that I didn't have above) and another Wanda's Reality to go with the others. I may have to chase that set as well.

Thanks goes out to Chris for another great trade.

*takes a sip before finishing up today's post*

I think after hauling all of this in, that I need to do an Unfinished Cup to sum up all of my needs or most likely do them separately because it's easier to track that way.

I feel after looking through these cards that I need to watch the series now as well. First, I will have to finish up my last couple of movies to catch up there.

I hope everyone has a great Tuesday and last day of April.

In comments, tell me what the highlight of April was for you or simply tell me what the big plans for May are. Or comments on today's cards of course or if you have watched WandaVision.

*takes a final sip for the post*

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. The highlight of April was Spring Break the first week of the month. May is always a busy month as we get ready for stuff like end of the year field trips, graduation, 8th grade grad dance, and standardized testing. And with Easter arriving early this year, it means there's a long gap between the last day of school and Spring Break. Both staff and students are dreading this long period. It should be interesting.

    Only watched one episode of WandaVision. Just couldn't get into it.

    1. I want to give it a try, I watched one of Loki and that didn't catch my attention either

  2. I enjoyed the show, it was unique and well-written.

  3. Looks interesting, but I have never watched the show. April finished Basketball season for the Special Olympics team I coach. May will start the Softball season for them. May also starts the dirt track racing season of which I am coming out of retirement to be a Track Announcer again. "Let's Go Racing"!!

  4. Congrats on the completed set and more! Wandavision was alright, I wasn't a real fan of the ending though

    1. Thanks! Now I am kinda curious about the ending


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!