Friday, September 29, 2023

Complaining About FREE Cards?

*sits down, has some cards nearby and gets ready for a new post on Cards Over Coffee*

There isn't a lot in life that is free, so why would anyone complain about getting anything for free. I know if I was offered a free cup of coffee, I am not saying no.

All across social media, especially Twitter I see collectors complaining about getting free cards with their purchases.


Yes, in some cases some may be just base cards but in other cases sometimes its more than that. I have gotten die-cut parallels as some of my freebies and have seen others get the same. But yet, they are complaining and leaving negative feedback for the sellers who are being generous.

Not me. If you give me freebies, I am wanting to give you six stars on everything and a hug.

Like the latest seller I bought from. 

I picked up this Daniel Jones 2023 Elite Orange parallel /399 for next to nothing.

And the seller tossed in two bonus 2023 Elite Giants base cards.

With the way my finances are this year, getting two free cards I didn't have and probably wouldn't have had makes me celebrate.

This is 6-Star level kind of stuff and maybe even upgrading that hug to that weird Aunt with all of the red lipstick level hug.

So, if you're the seller for the Jones card and am reading this, thank you. And if you are one that complains about getting free extra cards with your purchase, just send them my way. I will give them a home.

Hope everyone has a great Friday and thanks for reading.

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. Whenever I hear alleged collectors turning up their noses at base cards, I just wanna smack 'em. Like you said, send 'em to someone who will enjoy them. But that's probably too much effort. I bet they throw them away...

    1. I have seen them post they throw them away. What a waste, there are still plenty of us who would enjoy them!

  2. Yeah, I don't understand those people AT ALL. If I get free cards with my eBay purchase, I'm thrilled and usually add the seller to my saved seller list. If you don't like them, well, just consider them part of the packing material!

    1. I know right?? That's the way I look at it or I use them for trades

  3. I will always welcome extras. I have said that if you give some people a pot of gold, they will complain that the pot is the wrong color. Unfortunately, you can't please everyone. Nice cards!

  4. Since the innovation of the internet and being able to buy cards online I have had many times where an online seller will toss in some freebees. Some sellers use the "unwanted" base cards as "void fill" or a buffer for whatever cards were part of your purchase. The only time(s) I have had a problem with those freebies is one seller who puts low-priced common cards as buffers for the purchased cards marks the freebees with a large sharpie "X" on the back or sometimes the front of the card. I think it was a Sportlots seller. I have made 2 or 3 purchases from that seller once the free cards were basketball and once the free cards were 2 Elvis Presley cards from 1992? Both with a large magic marker "X" on them.

    1. That would be frustrating for me. Don't write the black X on them!!

  5. I love free stuff, and I enjoy taking the opportunity to throw in extra cards for buyers or trading partners -- with the hope that they'll be appreciated.
    PSA though: I sometimes have singles sent to COMC mailboxes where, unless filler cards are marked with an "X", I'm charged a per-item processing fee.

    1. I do the same thing with my trades. If I make a trade for three cards and use my pwe shipping, I always toss in three more to make it to six

  6. Yeah, I love extras thrown-in, the complainers are not anyone I'd want to hang out with. I don't get extras very often but I just got some the other day, it was good stuff too, including a Dodger I didn't have!

    1. That's when it becomes a bonus when it's a team you collect!

  7. I don't even understand the logic behind giving someone negative feedback for sending free bonus cards. Unless the seller forgot to included the original purchase and then refused to complete the transaction... or the original purchase was damaged by the bonus cards... the whole negative feedback thing is ridiculous.

    1. I don't get it either. They claim they are just tossing them trash. Like I said probably because they are base and most collectors who are not people like us don't collect them


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!