Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Blog Bat Around: Letters To The Hobby

This blog bat around is simple, just write a letter (blog post) to the hobby, to a player, to a card company, or something in general.

Here is mine,

Dear Card Companies,
I know I am not alone in saying this, but can you please bring back the days when you would show us where our memorabilia would come from!


I miss the days of being able to see a picture of where my piece of sports history came from. For example this latest card to my PC. It's cool to not only know that this swatch came from Veterans Stadium, but to also see a picture of the stadium it came from. I think one step more of showing a swatch of the field would have been nice as well.

But please just show us the jersey, bat, base, or whatever our relics are coming from. A picture speaks a million words.

To take this another step forward, I would also like to see a picture of the player signing cards/stickers. For authenticity sakes and that way, we know autopen or relatives didn't play a role, let's see them do the work. That isn't asking for much more. Especially since most backs are so bland now with just a guarantee write up and supposedly a company rep is there with the signers most of the time. Just snap a pic!!!! Same with celebrity autograph cards.

So, if any companies or reps from a company is reading this today, please make this move. I promise you collectors would be so happy and maybe buy more of your products. They just want to see what they are getting.

Sincerely your friend and helper,
Matt G
Cards Over Coffee

Now let me see what your letter is or who you will write to. Post a link below of your blog post so I can check it out when you make your post.

In the meantime....
*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. Mine would have to do with, "Why do you need to have more than 100 SP's in a set of 725 cards?" Without a blog currently I can't go to bat. Have a great coffee day!

  2. This is a cool BBA. Really bad timing for me though. Went back into the classroom this week and it's a busy time of the year. If I remember (when I've got some free time), I'll definitely join in though.

    1. I thought this was a good idea to, but seems like most of my BBA don't go too far

  3. With my blogging schedule being as limited as it is now, it's darn near impossible for me to participate with too many of these anymore. I'm struggling to just get a couple of long overdue thank you posts out there. Anything that takes any semblance of creativity to produce just isn't doable for me at this time.

    1. Sounds like me with mailing stuff. I have been terrible this year


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!