Monday, August 12, 2024

Cards From Pops: Box 2A

I don't know about the rest of you bloggers, but I have noticed a drastic decline in readership (views) and comments the last couple of months.

Sometimes it makes it very hard to want to come back and post. I already talk to myself enough about the hobby, I don't need to type it out to myself as well.

But here I am chugging out consecutive posts anyways. I guess it could be mainly for the coffee right now as it gives me an excuse to have an extra cup. Not that I need one but the blogging enforces it a little more.

*takes a sip*

I am not sure if everyone is on vacation or maybe hobby blogging is dying some more, but hopefully something picks back up. Not that I don't overly appreciate the same three that comment on every post. Shoutout to you Fuji, Jon and RJ! I appreciate your support!

The one thing I try to do on here is mix up the variety in what and how I post to see if that helps bring in the readers.
Such as going from posting the first box I traded for from my father to posting about Funkos, about a mail day, then about my personal writing than circling back to another trade box from my father.

Which if Box 2 doesn't draw in some comments, I am not sure what post will.

Box 2 was so loaded with greatness, I had to put this as a two-parter (2A,2B) or I would have had to show off fifty-two pictures in one post which for me would be a big record.

I was also trying to figure out how I should tackle such a big amount of pictures for each post, I figured just showing off cards would be the best approach instead of commenting on each one.

So, take a sip and scroll through. I will do the same.

(1;23 packs)

(Limited gold parallel to 2667, tough pulls)

(1:12 packs)

(1;36 packs, one of the most unique designed inserts ever)

(1:6 packs)

(Yes! This is a platinum)

And just think, this is just half of this box. This is also showing off the best of the best, it doesn't mean that some others almost didn't make the cut. This box was a good one.

*takes a sip before closing up today's post*

The plan is to post Box 2B tomorrow that way you can get these back-to-back instead of having to wait and having to refresh your mind on what was in the previous box.

Before I close, I also wanted to remind you of the Coffee Card Hall Of Fame voting and that it needs you guys to nominate cards in.

Details on the Coffee Card Hall Of Fame can be found HERE. I may add this to every post from here on out for a reminder as I will forget about this too! Haha!

*Coffee Card Blogger Out*


  1. Tell me about it. The most recent '75 Topps countdown post I made has 4 comments after averaging 10-12 the length of the series. People must be on vacation.

    1. They definitely aren't taking time to read in August that's for sure

  2. You are correct on the nice variety. I wasn't aware the Etch A Sketch had a card. Did someone actually draw that or was it CGI? I could hardly draw a straight line on those things! Coffee is good and trusting the week will be the same.

    1. I don't know about that. It's pretty cool if an artist did it


  4. As a blogger, I don't think I post enough anymore to notice a difference. Though, if there is/was, I probably wouldn't care anyway. I'm at the point now where if people come around, fine, if they don't, that's okay too. As a reader though, I have definitely noticed a lot of other people's posts who deserve more comments than they seem to be getting. I hate posts that were clearly time-consuming to produce getting minimal to no comments; especially when I know that a number of the people reading said posts spend their days commenting on dozens (or more) of garbage things that appear in their social media feeds. They'll support lazy tweets and tiktoks, but not well thought out blog posts. I suppose it's just the times. You either change with them, or end up getting accused of yelling at clouds.

    1. Agree on changing times. Nobody reads anymore and it shows!

      It's just too bad all of us put such work into these posts for no conments


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!