Monday, August 5, 2024

Coffee With Dua Lipa

Okay, okay, I have a confession to make....I occasionally turn my coffee on, grab my laptop and turn on some Dua Lipa.

Another confession, I am doing that right now.

I am not sure what it is with her music that draws me in, but it does. 

Coming from a guy who normally only listens to hits from the 80's and 90's (usually the only other new music I listen to is Paramore), having Dua Lipa on my playlist feels out of place.

But, it jams and jams hard.

So, when I found out her new CD release came with an autograph, I had to have it.

And on top of that, the CD case is like a Sportflix card.

Full blown lenticular. Quite cool.

Here was the signed insert inside of the CD cover.

I am glad I acquired this before it went Houdini.

If you didn't know, that was reference to her song. It was a pretty good fit in that sentence.

Any Dua Lipa fans reading this least those who admit to it. Let me know your favorite song in comments. I have too many to choose just one.


  1. I too have a confession to make... until this post, I had never heard of a Dua Lipa. And as a follow-up to the first confession, I'll probably completely forget about the Dua Lipa as soon as I close this window :)

  2. I've had students request her a lot... so I've listened to her. But it's not really my thing. Pretty cool that she signed her CD's and the lenticular cover is really cool.

    1. The autograph was the bonus here for me. The cover alone is cool.

  3. I couldn't even tell you a name of any song she does, but I could sure join you for a cup of coffee and listen to one. Happy rainy Monday! (That could be part of a Carpenters' song?)


Cards and coffee go together like PB&J, so don't you and leaving a comment below. Take a sip and let me know your thoughts!